🍋 ch 4 🍋

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march 27, 2022 - sunday

"avi, sweetheart." my dad shook my shoulder a bit. i smelled antiseptic and heard beeping noises. "it's okay, you're in the hospital. shh."

i just laid still and looked around. "when can i leave?" "uhh the nurse said when your temperature was normal."

"am i normal?"


"you are 100.2."

the nurse said. the doctor stood next to her. "i'll get you the discharge papers mr clifford." and the doctor left the room, going to get the papers.

the nurse left as well, leaving me and my dad alone for a bit. "how long have i been in here?"

"just for the day, it's like 10pm right now." he told me. the nurse brought him the discharge papers, and started taking out my iv.

my dad signed them all and i was released.


back at the house we were greeted with silence. my dad went into the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of chocolate.

"look what mom made you." dad said to me. i ran into the kitchen, and saw cookies, chocolate chip ones. i grabbed a couple, and my appetite was immediately back.

"dad, can you make me a pb&j?" "of course, you must be hungry." he made me my sandwich and i ate so quick.

"time for bed." dad told me. "can i say goodnight to mom?" "okay alright."

i ran up the stairs and bounded into my mom and dads room. "mom!" i whisper yelled. she moved around in bed. "MOM!" i did it again.

she woke up and i climbed onto the bed. "you coming to say goodnight to me?" she smiled. "yeah, dad said i could." "well, i hope you have a good sleep." she kissed my forehead.

"avi, time for bed." my dad said softly.

"night mom." and i left and went into my room, shutting the door behind me. i grabbed pjs and changed then immediately went to bed.

next day - march 28 - monday

quiet was all i heard. nothing. it was really nice. until i heard footsteps make my way towards my room. the door slowly opened and someone walked towards me.

they brushed the stray hairs out of my face. "morning sweet girl." my eyes fluttered opened. "how was your sleep?" "it was good, i feel so much better." "that's good."

"what're we doing today?" "we're gonna meet everyone for lunch." "what should i wear?" "this." he threw a 5sos tank and black athletic shorts.

i changed and slipped some flip flops on and grabbed my phone, skipping down the stairs. mom slid breakfast to me, scrambled eggs and bacon.

and couldn't forget to take my medicine. we went grocery shopping afterwards, much to my dad's dismay. we got a lot of food, since mom was going to make an extravagant dinner, sometime this week.

we dropped the groceries off at home, and went on our way to the restaurant. we pulled into the parking lot and it was a mexican restaurant, good thing because i was craving some.

"dad! can i go to the beach?" "nope, not today." "please!" "nope." "alright." we hopped out of the car and made our way up to the area where everyone was.

kaden saw me first and ran over to me, grabbing everyone's attention. he came up to me and we did our secret handshake. "are you feeling better?" "yes, i am, how about you?" "i'm great." "so you got up because..?" "to say hi to you of course! also uncle luke wants you to sit next to him." "just him?" "oh and ashton on the other side."

"has the waiter come by yet?" "no, he's coming when everyone is here." "oh, okay." "why? you good?"

"just a little lightheaded." "oh, do you need anything?" "just the person who's looking at me." he looked over and ashton was staring over at us.

"do you want me to get him?" "no need to, he's on his way, i'm gonna go stand by the car. tell my dad, i just need a social break, he'll understand." "alright." and he walked away, giving ashton a fist bump and then sitting down at the table.

"little clifford?" "yeah?" "you feeling alright?" "i'm fine." and tried to walk, but stumbled back. "whoa!" ash caught me before i could do anything.

time skip - bc im lazy

i was literally fine for the rest of lunch, and kaden wanted me to come over to his place, because, you know, gossiping.

i made it to the hood house and kaden immediately dragged me up to his room, and shut the door.

"haven't been in your room forever." "yeah, dad helped me with some things." it was quiet for a moment, then he spoke.

"i have a girlfriend." "oooooh, spill." i listened to him as he rattled on and off about his girlfriend. "her name's taylor, and she's 14, so same age as me. but she's really nice."

"i'm single over here still!" we laughed. "where's the guy for you?" "not here yet. key word yet."

"do you already have a guy in mind?" "yes and no, we've just texting on instagram, that's all."

"avi! that's big news. does your dad know?" he whispered the last part. "nope, and we've been texting since the beginning of march."

"bout a month here in april?" "yup!"

"who is it?"

"it's called i can't tell ya!"

new chapter, just like everyday is tbh

- ASH 🤍🤍

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