2. bunks

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Y/n's pov:

I zip my suitcase closed and put on my shoes. I quickly check the time 7.42 perfect!

I drive towards the parking lot we planned on meeting at and park my car. Only Rhea and some people of the crew are already here.

Rhea rolls her eyes as she sees me approaching and I just pretend I didn't notice.
I walk towards our bus but she stops me, "They're still locked, we have to wait for Triple H", her strong accent shows.
She looks a little tired and her face is completely free from any makeup.

"Oh okay", I say and akwardly stand there with my suitcase. "You can still go home you know", she says and raises an eyebrow at me.
"As much as I don't wanna be with your bratty ass for months", I start, "I don't wanna miss this opportunity for my career."

"Feisty", I hear Rhea mumble under her breath as she chuckles.
At that moment a car drives onto the parking lot, it's Triple H and Dominik. Another car immediately follows, everyone is here now.

"Goodmorning guys", Damian says as everyone gathered.
Triple H gives us some information and hands me a schedule. "This is for the first week, I'll email you the rest later"
"Perfect", I thank him and when everyone is ready we load our stuff into the busses.

"I'm taking the top bunk!", Dominik shouts as we walk through our bus. There's a small kitchen and a seperate room with a big couch and a tv. There's another door that leads to a small hallway with 3 bunk beds. two on the bottom and one on top.

"You're such a kid", Rhea chuckles and drops her suitcase.
Once everyone settled in we all gather in the small living room. "So what are we doing first?", JD asks. "Today is just a whole day driving towards the first match", Triple H starts, "Y/n booked you a hotel there so you don't have to sleep in the small bunks already." "I also found a nice restaurant near so we don't have to worry about dinner tonight", I add.

"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?", Rhea mumbles and Damian shoots her a stern look. She hold her hands up in defense, "what? Like we couldn't have found a place to eat ourselves?"
"Be a little grateful or just shut it", Damian answers and she rolls her eyes.

I take out my laptop, trying to ignore Rhea's stupid remarks, "so does anyone have something specific they wanna do at the planned locations?"

"I know this is for our job and shit", Dominik starts, "but I think we can all agree we also wanna do some fun stuff like trampoline parks or movie theaters."
"Trampoline parks?", Finn asks, "Are you 5?"

"I'll see if there is anything around", I say and he smiles at me.
"I wanna go to the gym a few times a week", Rhea says, "If you can arrange that for us pretty girl?"

"Sure", I put it on the list, trying to stop my cheeks from heating up.
After a few everyone's suggestions have been put down and Triple H leaves. Everyone goes back to their own bus and I set myself down at one of the little tables to work on the schedule.

"Well I'm gonna take a nap", Rhea places herself on the couch as the engine of the bus starts, driving us to our first location.
Dom is sitting on the couch on the opposite side of the room, scrolling on his phone.

Only half an hour later Rhea gets up and walks over to me, "what are you doing anyway?"
"Looking up the-", I can't even finish my sentence before she interrupts me. "I wasn't waiting for an answer, I'm just saying your job is useless and we don't need you here."
She walks over to the kitchen without saying another word.

"I wanna see tho", Dominik walks over as he sees that Rhea actually offended me. "You don't have to", I start but he shushes me, "nah show me."

4pm Arrive at Hotel *** Location
Hotel includes: Gym, pool, bar, etc.
7.30pm Dinner at *** Location

11am Interview for *** Location
(Rhea and dom)
12am Interview for *** Location
(Finn, Damian, JD seperately)
3pm Match at *** arena

"I still need to finish it and put it in a rota in exell", I quickly add as Dom skims over the schedule.
"Looks fine for me", he smiles and and I thank him.

I work on it a little more and crash down on the couch. I wonder why Rhea doesn't like me, I know she thinks she can do everything herself but there has to be more than that?

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