25. blackmail

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Y/n's pov:

Dom took me to a cozy hiking spot.
I'm not a person who gets mad easily but my jealousy and sadness turns into anger when I think about the situation with Rhea.

She had her way with me and now she lets Liv be all over her. She didn't even budge when she took place on her lap.

When we get back to the hotel I go straight to the pool area. I don't wanna see Rhea right now, I know she's in the hotel room.

I sit down on a barstool on the tiny bar. There is a couple on some beach chairs and two girls in the pool. It's already evening and the sun is starting to set. I take another sip from my coke and see Dom walking in.

"We're gonna have dinner at the restaurant downstairs, do you wanna join?", he suggests carefully.
I don't wanna be a mood killer or make everyone think I'm dramatic so I follow him downstairs.

Damian and Rhea are already there and Rhea looks beautiful. She's wearing a dark shade of red lipstick and light eye makeup.

I sit down across Damian and Dom takes place across Rhea. Me and Rhea don't say a word to each other, my heart aches a little when I look at her. All I see is Liv sitting on her lap and being cute with her. Rhea stays quiet until dinner is over and we're in the elevator up.

"Why are you mad?", she asks annoyed. "How do you even have the nerve to ask me that with that attitude", I say and the elevator opens again. I wanna walk out but Rhea pushes the button to close the doors again.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that", she aggressively grabs my underarm.
I immediately get flashbacks of how she grabbed my arm in the changing room before and my mind traces off to how Jackson grabbed me like that too.

I feel my breath speeding up and Rhea realizes how harsh she's holding me. She doesn't say a word and pushes the button to open the elevator doors again.

I walk into our room and lock myself in the bathroom to get changed.
When I walk back out, Rhea is sitting on the edge of the bed just staring at me.

I walk past her, ignoring her but she holds me back. Gently this time.
I sit down on the bed next to her and she places her hand on my thigh. "Do you wanna explain why you're mad at me?"

Is she fucking serious? She has no idea what she did?

"Do you wanna explain what that shit with Liv was earlier?", I smack her hand off my thigh. I hear Rhea sigh and she turns her whole body to face me. "It's really complicated", she starts. "I don't fucking care how complicated it is", I answer, "it doesn't give you the right to treat me like your girlfriend and then give Liv the exact same without me knowing."

"I know I know", she looks down, "let me explain."
"Damn right explain yourself."
"Liv is my ex right", she starts, "our relationship wasn't officially public, it was just the storyline of it. I wasn't ready to come out and I don't think I will be anytime soon. When we broke up Liv threatened me that she was gonna out me to the whole world so I kind of let her have her way with me so she doesn't. I let her believe that we're still good friends but if it was up to me I wouldn't even wanna be near her ever again."

Suddenly I feel bad for getting mad at Rhea, this is a horrible situation.
"But that's blackmailing", I say and see her switch into Demi. She looks down in her lap and I can sense she feels really shitty about it.

"I can't do anything about it", she mumbles and I hear her voice crack.
"No offense but I don't think it would be a surprise to the world if you'd come out", I lightly chuckle but she just looks at me with teary eyes.
I didn't know she was struggling with her sexuality this much.

I open my arms and she crashes into me. I hold her tight as she quietly cries into my shoulder. I didn't expect this from her.
I stroke with my fingers through her short hair and kiss the top of her head before she sits up again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going through that", I say and feel genuinely bad for her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you", she wipes her tears and looks at me again. "It's okay", I sigh, "at least I know what's going on now."

~ small time skip ~

We're both sitting in bed, leaning against the bed frame. Demi is endlessly scrolling on her phone and I'm figuring out the scedule of tomorrow on my laptop.

Rhea has to do a small interview with some media tomorrow. Damian has a promo and Triple H is coming over.

Demi's pov:

Y/n is working again, she really puts in a lot of effort for us. I really love her, I've never been so vulnerable with someone else before.

She's working on her laptop but I can see she's struggling to keep her eyes open.
I carefully take the laptop out of her hands, she protests a little but gives up quickly.

She lays down and snuggles under the covers. I decide to do the same and crawl closer to her. I lay with my head buried in her neck and she tightly wraps her arms around me.

"Goodnight baby", she mumbles. "Goodnight", I sigh and close my eyes.

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