29. bath

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Y/n's pov:

My eyes open and I'm greeted by nothing but darkness. My head hurts and I snuggle further into Dom's chest. His arms hold me comfortably but I wonder where Rhea is?

I sit up and notice I accidentally woke up Dom. "Are you okay?", she carefully whispers. "I'm gonna grab some water", I answer and get up. My core feels sore and my legs feel wobbly.

I make it to the bathroom and close the door before turning on the light. I look at myself in the mirror and there's light bruising on my neck from Rhea's grip. My mascara is still on my cheeks from the tears that ran down my face.

I wash my face and drink some water, when I open the door again, the light from the bathroom shines on Rhea. She's sleeping uncomfortably on the small couch and her eyes are red and puffy.

All I want is her comfort, her cozy arms and her scent that makes me relax within seconds.
But I'm scared, she hurt me and she didn't stop. Maybe Liv was right, I can't handle her.

I feel tears coming up again and turn off the light. I walk back towards the bed but I almost trip over something. It's a small bag?
I pick it up and go back to the bathroom. I turn on the light and see that it's a gift bag.

I peek inside and see a little see-through baggy with a necklace in it, one that perfectly matches the bracelet that Rhea gave me. There's also a card, it says 'be my girlfriend'.

I gasp and tear up. I quickly put it all back in the giftbag and leave the bathroom. I put the bag where I found it and walk back to the bed.

I place myself back into Dom's arms and catch myself playing anxiously with the bracelet around my wrist, Rhea's bracelet.

~ time skip ~

Dom slowly closes the hotel door after I reassured him that I'll be fine.
It's 6am but Dom has to leave for some promo's.

Rhea is still sleeping on the couch, only now she looks like Demi. Curled up in a ball, I see her stirr a bit in her sleep and a tear rolls down her face.

I lean down and brush my hand over her cheek. She gasps when she wakes up and immediately tears up when she sees my face and my bruised neck.
"Come lay in bed with me", I whisper and she gently joins me on the bed.

Another tear rolls down her cheek when she looks at my neck again. All I do is lay myself against her, letting her scent fill my nose.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you", she says with a lump in her throat like she could burst out in tears any second.
I just hug her tight as she finally wraps her big arms around me. She kisses the top of my head and pulls me impossibly closer to her. I get comforted by her body warmth and wrap my arms around her too.

"I love you", she whispers and I freeze.
I have so many mixed thoughts and feelings now. She was gonna ask me to be her girlfriend but she hurt me. I don't know what to do, but I do know that I love her back.

I softly kiss her cheek and nuzzle my face in her neck as I feel myself drift off to sleep again.

I open my eyes and my body feels cold. I turn around and Demi is gone. I hear some noise in the bathroom and get up.

"I ran us a bath", Demi says when she sees me. "But I can leave if you want", she already walks out of the bathroom but I stop her, "it's okay."

She warmly smiles at me and we both undress. Demi gets in the bath first and I sit down in between her legs. I lay back against her chest and her arms wrap around me.

I feel her lips plant a gentle kiss on my shoulder before she slowly starts massaging my back and shoulders. "Tell me when it hurts please", she whispers and I simply nodd.

She massages my shoulders first, gently rubbing some bath oils into my skin. Then her hands travel over my back and do the same.

I feel my body relax and feel safe in her arms again. When she's done I lean with my back against her chest again and her arms wrap around me protectively. "You're so perfect y/n and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I'd never do it on purpose and I can't forgive myself for what I've done. I don't expect you to forgive me either."

I look down and her fingers fiddle nervously in my lap. "It's okay, you didn't mean to and we didn't set clear boundaries. We should agree to a safeword", I mumble.
"Definitely", she lets a sigh of relief go, "how about vanilla?"

I smile and nodd, she knows I love vanilla. Demi grabs the shower head and slowly starts rinsing my hair. She massages my scalp with shampoo and makes me look up so it doesn't get in my eyes when she rinses it off again.

After a while we get out the bath and get into normal comfy clothes.
"I checked your calendar on you laptop and we have a free day today", Rhea admits. "So I decided to plan something, we're going to the movies tonight", she says proudly.

"That sounds perfect", I lean in and kiss her lips. She gently kisses back and I chuckle at how careful she is.
She really is sorry.

The next chapter might be the last one of this story 🫣

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