20. stay

996 34 13

Y/n's pov:

I wake up in cold sweat and immediately reach for Demi.
I must have fallen asleep after dinner last night.

I cling onto Demi's body as she slowly wakes up. "What's wrong mama?", she asks as soon as she notices I'm panicking. "A nightmare?", she asks softly when I can't seem to find any words.
I nodd and she just wraps her big arms around me. I bury my face in her neck and wrap my legs around her.

I breathe in her scent, she's so comforting.
my eyes get heavy again as I feel myself fall asleep in her arms.

I feel Demi moving and look at the time; exactly 8.00am. Did she set an alarm?

"Where are u going?", I mumble into her shoulder as she tries to move away. "I'm going to the gym love, I'll be back in an hour or so", she whispers and kisses my cheek.

I pull her in to kiss her lips, "stay please."
"Baby I have to stay in shape."
"You are in shape", I groan and trace my hands over her muscular arms. I trail them further over her chest and push her back down on the bed.
"Oh", Demi says surprised as I kiss her lips while straddling her.

"Let me give you a reason to stay", I mumble and slowly kiss her neck.
"Are you trying to top the Rhea Ripley?", she chuckles but I shush her.
"Just enjoy it."

I notice she gives in when her body relaxes under my touch. I slowly raise her shirt and she quickly pulls it off, her chest heaving up with every breath. I kiss down in between her tits and play with her pierced nipples.

She groans lowly and closes her eyes as I trail more kisses down her stomach. I trail down over her tattoo. When I reach the waistband of her shorts I look up and without hesitation she swiftly pulls them off, taking her panties along.
"Eager much?", I chuckle. "Shut up", she groans but she can't help but smile.

I kiss down to her inner thighs and I feel her hand reach for my head. She tangles her fingers in my hair as I give her a hickey on the inside of her left thigh.

I look up and her cheeks are flushed. Her folds are glossy and her mouth is slightly open.
I lick boldly over her slit and she arches her back. Her hand pulls my hair tighter and she carefully pushes my face closer to her heat.

"Patience damn", I chuckle but she gives me a mean look: "stop teasing."

With that I dive in. I lick in between her folds and stop at her clit. She groans and bucks her hips when I softly suck on her clit. I swirl my tongue around as she grinds against my face: "fuck y/n"

When I plunge two of my fingers in she gasps. I slowly pump them in and out and keep licking her clit. "Fuck y/n keep doing that!"

Her breathing speeds up and her back arches off the bed as I start curling my fingers like she did.
Finally a moan escapes her lips and I speed up. She pushes my face harder against her and her thighs close around my head so I can't move away. Her hips buck and more moans come out.

I feel her walls tighten around my fingers and her mouth opens without any sound coming out. She keeps grinding against my face and eventually her grip on my hair loosens.

She immediately pulls me up and connects our lips. Her tongue slips in my mouth and I can feel her smile. "Where did you learn that?", she whispers and pulls back making me straddle her naked stomach. "I learned from the best", I smile and she chuckles. She pecks my lips again and pushes me off of her. She gets up and puts on her gym clothes.

"Are you serious?", I ask and sit up looking at her every move. "Yes how else am I supposed to keep looking this hot for you?"
"You already look hot", I say as I admire her muscles.

She grabs her bag and turns back to me, "will you be okay?"
"No", I say and she crawls onto the bed. "You'll be fine, just lock the door", she kisses my forehead and gets back up.
"You're so mean", I cross my arms and she fake pouts at me. "Ahw don't be mad baby."

"You just wanna get away to avoid the fact that the Rhea Ripley just got topped", I tease and she raises an eyebrow. "Oh fuck y/n keep doing that!", I mock her moans and she chuckles.
"Sure sure", she turns around and opens the door. "Meet me at the pool in an hour", she winks at me and closes the door behind her.

I get up and lock the door.

keep both hands on the phone people.

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