4. chicken fight

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Y/n's pov:

I sit back at the table on my laptop, trying to focus but my thoughts keep drifting off to Rhea. She seemed so jealous about the sweater, maybe she has a crush on Damian?
And why is she so mean to me? Does she thinks Damian likes me?
And what does Dominik mean with Demi and Rhea, it's both just her right?

~ time skip ~

We're finally at the hotel, it's 4.30pm, my timing was almost perfect!

We grab our suitcases and enter the lobby.
"The 4 rooms for H please", I say and the woman behind the desk scrunches her nose.
"There is a little mix up in our system", she starts, "it says there are only three rooms free."
"But I called you this morning, specifically asking for 4 rooms", I say.
"yes but the last guests decided to stay longer and we can't say no to that", she states.

I turn to TJD, "okay so there was a room for Finn and JD, one for Damian and Dominik and one for Rhea and one for me", I start and Rhea gives me a look, "I figured you wouldn't wanna be in the same room as the staff", I mention her words from earlier today.
"You called her the staff?", Finn asks annoyed.

Rhea rolls her eyes and takes the card out of my hands, "we'll just take the 3 rooms thanks", she says to the lady at the desk. She hands over 3 keys and Rhea gives two of them to the boys.

"Come on", she says and we walk to the elevator, Rhea and me got room no. 206

As we enter the room I immediately take off my shoes and put my suitcase aside.

"Sorry about the room mix up, I had no idea that-", I start but Rhea puts her finger over my lips. "Don't worry I don't mind", she says softly, almost whispering. She slowly tucks my hair behind my ear as she looks down into my eyes, "and don't look so scared", she smiles.

I can feel my cheeks turn a darker shade of pink and look away to try and hide it. But Rhea holds my chin and makes me look back at her, "thanks for arranging the gym and shit", I can see she's thinking about something but then seems to change her mind, "you look stupid when you blush", and she backs away like our faces weren't just two inches away from each other.

She walks towards her bag and grabs a sports bra and shorts. She also refills her waterbottle and takes a small towel with her. "See you later", she says and heads out.

I decide to take a look around in the hotel room, it's pretty big. There's a bathroom with a shower and a big mirror. There is a two-person bed and a couch.
I take my pj's and put them on the couch, I'm sure Rhea's gonna claim the bed anyway.

I decide to work upstairs, the pool is on the rooftop and there's a little bar.

I gather my stuff and quickly switch into my bikini. I throw on a sun dress and take the elevator up. I place myself at a table and order myself a drink. Who said work can't be fun?
I open my laptop and work on the details of the scedule for tomorrow.

There are a few interviews planned and Rhea has a show with Liv Morgan. Dom will be interrupting and the rest of TJD will be watching on the side.

Before I know more than an hour has passed and I see Rhea and the boys enter the pool.
Rhea is wearing an all black bikini and her hair is up in a messy bun. She's still sweaty from the gym and her cheeks are a bit red.

"I told you she'd be here", I hear her say as she looks at me and smiles. She seems in a good mood.

They all drop their stuff at my table and immediately get in the pool. They splash water into each other's faces like little kids but they seem to genuinely have fun with it.
Not much later I hear them laughing as they're playing chicken fight.

Dom is on Finn's shoulders and Rhea is on Damians. JD calls me over: "Come on y/n! We're missing one person!"

"I'm not really a pool game person", I say and try to shrug it off. "You can also just say that you're scared", Dom laughs. I roll my eyes and take off my dress as I close my laptop.

I walk over and JD takes me onto his shoulders. By the time we reach the middle of the pool Rhea already pushed Dom into the water. She's heading straight for me now.

She eyes me up and down as she puts her hands on my shoulders and tries to push me off. But I get a hold of her arms and drag her into the water with me. Both of us falling off the boys shoulders into the deep water.

I feel her hands moving to my waist as she lifts me back with my head above the water. I instinctively wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. She looks up at me and smiles brightly. All I can think of is how beautiful she looks right now, but I quickly realize how I'm holding her and akwardly let go.
Rhea doesn't, she holds her hands under my thighs to keep me in place and turns towards the rest, "I won right?"

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