21. not official

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Y/n's pov:

I sit back down and open my phone. Liv texted me:



What are you doing?

Waiting for Rhea to
get back from the gym hby?

Oh are u guys official yet?

What do you mean?

Did she ask you to be
her girlfriend?

I don't think so

So u aren't dating?

We kinda are

Are you sure of that?

I look confused at my screen and put my phone away. Liv is right, it is kinda weird that she hasn't asked me yet.

I get up and brush my teeth. I put on my bikini and see my bruised body in the mirror. I trace my fingers over the few scratches that are left but I quickly throw on a red summer dress to cover up. I scroll some more and before I know a whole hour has passed already. I grab a small bag with my stuff and leave the hotel room.

I walk into the pool area and see Rhea waving at me. Gesturing to come sit with her and Damian and Dom at a little table.
I walk over to them and smile at Rhea, "hi pretty", she says lowly and I blush a bit before putting my bag down. I look around for another chair but suddenly I feel her hand on my waist and guide me to sit on her lap.

"How was the gym?", I ask and lean against her shoulder. "It was good", she smiles, "but let's order some breakfast." I hum in agreement and she calls over a waiter.

When we get our food I decide it's time to get back at Rhea for leaving me this morning.
"Oh Dom", I start, still sitting on Rhea's lap. "You will not believe what I did this morning!"

I feel Rhea tense up underneath me and her hand holds my waist tightly. "I maganed to top-", I start but suddenly Rhea's hand covers my mouth and she pulls me back so I'm leaning against her.

"She managed to pick out her outfit all by herself!", Rhea quickly lies, "such a good girl." She teases and gives me a stern look. I chuckle and shurg my shoulders with a smirk when Dominik looks at me confused at what's going on.

~ time skip ~

We're all done and the boys are already in the pool.
"Now what was that for?", Rhea suddenly asks and turns me around in her lap so im facing her. I just smile and shrug my shoulders again. "You're lucky you look so cute", she says and looks in my eyes.

She's so effortlessly beautiful, her eyes, her smile, everything about her is so mesmerising. I wish I could call her my girlfriend but she hasn't asked me yet. Maybe she doesn't want me as her girlfriend? Maybe she thinks we'll be over after the tour?

"Where did that cute little smile go?", I hear her voice ask. "Oh nothing", I sigh, "I was just thinking."
"It's not important"
"Then it's not so hard to tell me"
"fine", I take a deep breath, "are we something serious to you?"
"Hell yeah", she says and smiles, "why wouldn't we be?"
"I don't know", I look down to my hands, "we're not official."

"I'll make it official on just the right time", she winks at me and kisses the back of my hand. I can't help but blush and smile.

"Hey lovebirds!", I hear Dom yell, "are you still gonna get in the water or do we have to hire a room for you two?"

I chuckle as Rhea rolls her eyes. We get up and I pull off my sundress. I see Rhea staring at the bruises and I quickly grab the dress back. "What are you doing?", she swiftly asks and steps closer to me. "Maybe I shouldn't go swimming today", I look down but she makes me look back into her eyes.

"Y/n you're beautiful", she says and pecks my forehead, "anyone who thinks different can shove their worthless opinion up their ass."
I smile at her and she quickly plants a kiss on my lips.

As we walk towards the pool she keeps her arm around my waist. I notice she's giving nasty looks at the people that look at me.

I quickly lower myself into the water and Rhea follows. We swim around a little and we end up at the border of the infinity pool. I look at the city below us as I feel two big and muscular arms carefully snake around my waist.
I feel her chin rest on my shoulder as her whole body presses against my back.

"What do you wanna do today?", She whispers. "I don't know", I say softly, "I didn't plan anything for today."
"hmm good", she groans and nuzzles her face in my neck before giving it a soft kiss.

My body melts into hers as she holds me. I feel so safe in her arms.

okay ik it's a short chapter but y'all are impatient so here u go

please don't forget to vote!!

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