7. distracted

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Y/n's pov:

We're currently behind the screens of Rhea and Liv's match.
The interviews this morning went smoothly, they didn't really ask about me so I didn't have to stress about anything.

Liv's music starts playing as she walks into the arena. Rhea turns to me with her hands behind her back, "I got you something."
She holds up a black shirt that says 'I'm your mami'.
"You have to wear it to show them we got something going on", she says and winks at me. Then she turns serious again, "H probably wants you to wear it."
Sounds like she was looking for an excuse for what she just said?

I put on the shirt and TJD music starts playing. They all walk out as I stay behind. I stretch the collar of the shirt so it almost slides off my shoulder and shows some cleavage. I tuck the shirt under my bra so it's shorter, that looks way better.

When Rhea enters the arena I walk to the side to stand there with Damian and the rest of TJD.

~ small time skip ~

Rhea keeps glancing at me during the whole match. Eventually Liv manages to pin her.
1... 2... 3...
She lost?

Liv gets a mic handed to her while Rhea is laying on the ground, defeated.
"Now what's my prize for this easy win?", she asks and leans against the ropes where Rhea is. Her eyes trail off to me and she smirks, "Can I steal your pretty little girlfriend now?"
Rhea pulls herself up and punches Liv in her stomach. I hear a faint 'never' coming from her but its hard to hear because she doesn't have a mic. Security hurries over and takes her away to the backstage.

Me and TJD follow behind. Rhea sits down and Damain walks over to her, "what was that?"
"Are you okay?", I ask but she gets up and bumps her shoulder into me to walk away.
"Did I say something wrong?", I turn around to Finn. "Just give her some time", he sighs.

After a few I decide to go check on her. I walk towards the dressing room and she's sitting down on a bench, she's the only one left here.

As I walk up to her she stands up and backs me up against the wall. "This is your fault", she groans and puts her hand against the wall right next to my head. "What?", I whisper.
"What did you do with your shirt? You think it's cute that everyone can see you like this?", and I catch her staring down into my shirt.

"What do you mean?"
"This is why I didn't want you to come with us", she says lowly and comes even closer, our bodies almost pressed together.

She's not wearing her gear anymore, just her sports bra and grey sweatpants. I feel my cheeks flushing, "I don't get what you're saying", I carefully say.
She shakes her head and backs away, I put my hand on her shoulder to make her turn back around for an explanation but she roughly grabs my underarm and pushes me back against the wall.

"You distracted me y/n", she groans, "I couldn't focus with you standing there like that."
My back stings and I feel my arm getting red from her grip. When she sees me looking at my arm she quickly lets go and I see she's holding back tears. She whispers a faint sorry as she goes through her hair and steps away.

"But Rhea-", I start and follow her. "Forget it y/n", she says and stares right into my eyes.

Without thinking I grab her face and lean in, connecting our lips. After a second her hands roam over my body as she passionately kisses back. "Fuck", she whispers in between kisses, "you have no idea how bad I needed this."

Her hands travel to my thighs as she effortlessly lifts me up, wrapping my legs around her.
Her lips feel so soft and her hands all over my body drive me insane. My breath gets heavier as the kiss gets more heated every second.

Suddenly the door slams open, "Rhea are you read-", Damian immediately stops and Rhea quickly puts me down. I hope he didn't see everything but the smudged black lipstick on both our lips give away everything.
"Uhm we're leaving in 10", he says akwardly and leaves again.

Rhea chuckles and holds me close to her. "We better get this cleaned off of your face and head back. "We got some explaining to do", she smiles at me as I feel myself blush, not really believing what just happened.


Ik this is a short chapter but I thought it was cute
if there are any requests for what has to happen or for a oneshots book comment them here or dm me :)

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