6. picture

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Y/n's pov:

"You don't have to sleep on the couch, you know that right?", Rhea says as we get back to the hotel room.
"No offense Rhea, but I don't think you fit on the couch", I say as I take off my dress to put on my pj's. 

Rhea just looks at me quietly then she shakes out of her gaze, "It's a two-person bed stupid", she says and I simply smile at her.
Rhea faces away and takes off her shirt and switches into a comfy one.
Her back is so muscular and I can't keep my eyes off her arms. When she catches me staring at her she smirks and switches her pants to some comfy shorts.

I quickly get in the bed and look around for the tv remote. Rhea gently throws it in my lap as she gets under the covers too.

I turn on the tv and skip through all the shitty stations. "Oh shit", Rhea chuckles and shows me her phone. The picture from the restaurant is circling all over the internet. The fans are making up crazy theories that me and Rhea have something going on and stuff.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, It's Triple H. I show Rhea, "are we in trouble?"
"Nah", she says but I can sense some doubt in her voice.

I pick up and Triple H immediately starts talking. "You guys are genius, have you seen the theories?"
"Yeah why?", I ask.
"Keep that little act up, the fans are loving it. we'll get a good storyline out of this", he says as I hear a lot of background noises, he must be really busy.
"There is no act and-", I start but he interrupts me, "even better! but keep it going girls and don't be afraid to spice it up a little. I have to go now, tell Rhea a goodluck for her match tomorrow!" And with that he hangs up.

Rhea heard every word and we both can't help but laugh. "What does he even mean with that?", I ask her. "I guess we're gonna have to convince the public that we're a thing", she says and tries not to sound too exited.

First I thought Damian had a crush on me but I'm starting to think she was lying in the bathroom.

I skip through more channels on the tv and we end up watching a horror movie. I'm actually scared shitless but I don't want Rhea to think I'm a pussy.

I pull my knees up to my chest and see her glance at me, "we can watch something else?", she suggests but I shake my head, "no I'm fine."
She scoots closer to me so we're sitting side to side. Her arm is draped over my shoulders and I slowly lean against her.

After a while I'm not even paying attention anymore as I feel myself falling asleep.

Suddenly I feel Rhea moving and my eyes shoot open again, "calm down", she whispers, "the movie is over."
"Sorry I fell asleep"
"Don't apologize, it's cute", she says and turns off the tv.

She lays down and pulls me closer with her arm that's been around me this whole time.  I look at her, a little surprised at her affection. "Oh sorry", she says and quickly pulls her arm back. "It's okay", I whisper as I turn off the last burning light on my nightstand, "it was comfy", I whisper even softer.

I lay down, wrapping myself in the blanket. "Yo let me have some too", Rhea groans and pulls the blanket to her side of the bed. I attempt to pull it back but she's obviously much stronger than me.

I just scoot closer to her so the blanket fully covers me again. Suddenly her big hands grab my hips and pull me against her. My breath hitches as her front completely presses against my back.
"Are you comfy again?", she whispers with her lips right next to my ear, her strong accent coming through.

"Why are you nervous?", she asks softly and trails her fingertips softly against my upper arm. "I'm not", I lie.
"Then why can I basically feel your heartbeat against my chest?", I can hear her smile through her voice.

Rhea's pov:

Y/n stays silent as I feel her chest heaving up and down with every breath.
Did I make her uncomfortable?
I take my arm off of her and scoot away a little, "what are you doing?", she asks really soft, "it was okay", she says even softer with a little smile to it.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her back, her ass perfectly melting into my hips. I trace my hand over her side and she softly starts laughing, "stop that I'm really ticklish!"
"You are?", I ask jokingly and start actually tickling her. "Stop!", she starts laughing louder, "stop it!"
Her laugh is adorable but I pull my hand back as she starts moving like crazy, repeatedly pushing her body into mine.

"We should really go to sleep", she mumbles. "I know", I say and nuzzle my face in the back of her neck. I hope I'm not too much for her. Otherwise I can blame it on Triple H wanting us to act like a couple right?

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