Yours sincerely, Sebastian Sallow

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As the celebration gently wound down, Ophelia caught Susanne's attention, gesturing subtly towards Anne, who was engaged in lively conversation with Sirona. Ophelia leaned towards 

Susanne with a playful grin.

"Susanne, wouldn't it be delightful for you to meet Anne, Sebastian's sister? I have a feeling you two would get along famously."

Susanne's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That sounds like a splendid idea, Ophelia! Let's go introduce ourselves."

They gracefully approached Anne's corner, and Ophelia cleared her throat to gain their attention.

"Anne, Sirona, may I interrupt for a moment?" Ophelia greeted with a playful smile.

Anne turned towards them, curiosity in her eyes. "Of course, what's up?"

Ophelia gestured towards Susanne. "I'd like you to meet my wonderful sister, Susanne."

Anne greeted Susanne warmly, shaking her hand. "Hello, Susanne! It's a pleasure to meet you."

Susanne returned the greeting enthusiastically. "Likewise, Anne. Ophelia has shared some fascinating stories about you."

Anne, intrigued, glanced at Ophelia. "Really? I hope they're good stories."

Ophelia chuckled, "Only the best, of course."

Sirona, sipping her butterbeer, joined the conversation. "Nice to see you again, Susanne. We should catch up sometime."

Susanne smiled. "I would love that, Sirona."

Sirona nodded smiling warmly, "I'll send you an owl."

Ophelia, seizing the opportune moment, began sharing the day's events. "I thought it would be suitable for Susanne to meet you, Anne, especially since Sebastian and I officially entered into a courtship today."

Anne's eyes widened with interest. "Really? That's wonderful news, Ophelia! Congratulations!"

Ophelia beamed, "Thank you! It was a beautiful evening with my parents, and they gave their blessings."

Susanne chimed in, "It was indeed a magical evening. The kind that makes you believe in true love. She told me every detail."

Sirona, raising an eyebrow, teased, "True love, huh? Sounds like quite the story. Do share!"

Ophelia recounted the heartfelt conversations with her parents, the surprise in Feldcroft, and 

the mysterious envelope her mother had handed her, which she hadn't opened yet.

"You should read it, Ophelia. Go find a quiet place, you don't know what could be inside, maybe it's important."

Ophelia thought about it and nodded: "Ye, I reckon you're right."

Sirona asked her to come with her, going into the back. Sirona left her alone and Ophelia sat down on against the wall and opened the envelop.

Ophelia, recognizing the familiar handwriting, felt a rush of emotions before delving into the heartfelt words Sebastian had penned for her father.

The letter unfolded a beautiful tapestry of emotions, love, and sincere intentions. As Ophelia read each word, her eyes welled up with tears of happiness. The authenticity of Sebastian's feelings resonated deeply with her, reaffirming the love that had blossomed between them. The words painted a vivid picture of Sebastian's commitment, respect, and admiration for Ophelia, leaving her heart brimming with overwhelming joy.

Closing the letter, Ophelia sat for a moment, the weight of the emotions settling within her.

With the letter clutched in her hands, Ophelia couldn't contain her excitement. Happy tears still glistening in her eyes, she jumped up, leaving the quiet corner in search of Sebastian. The celebration had brought forth love, blessings, and heartfelt connections, and Ophelia was eager 

to share this precious moment with the one who had written those touching words.

Dear Mr. Meadows,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. It is with a heart full of warmth and respect that I reach out to you, seeking to express sentiments that have taken root in the depths of my being.

From our shared moments at Hogwarts, a connection with your daughter, Ophelia, has blossomed within me. Her kindness, intelligence, and unwavering spirit have left an indelible impression on my heart. I am moved to acknowledge emotions that extend beyond the bounds of mere friendship, bringing both joy and a sense of purpose to my life.

With sincerity and a profound regard for family values, I am writing to seek your blessing for a courtship with Ophelia. I recognize the importance of family approval in such matters and believe in the potential of a meaningful and enduring connection with her.

I propose a meeting on the occasion of Ophelia's 16th birthday to discuss this matter further. I hope to meet with you and Mrs. Meadows, seeking your guidance and approval for our journey together. In the spirit of creating a magical memory, I kindly request your discretion in keeping this matter a surprise from Ophelia until our meeting.

I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to speak with you in person, sir, and humbly hope that you might consider my earnest request favorably.

Yours sincerely,

Sebastian Sallow

Whispers of my heart - Sebastian Sallow x OCWhere stories live. Discover now