A Slytherin always plans ahead

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Sebastian and Ophelia, exhausted yet content, made their way back to the main room of requirement. The anticipation of the night had worn off, leaving them pleasantly fatigued. 

The Room, sensing their need for rest, conjured a door leading to a cozy chamber.

Sebastian opened the door to find a room with a comfortable bed adorned with plush blankets and soft pillows. The warm glow of the fireplace added to the inviting ambiance.

Sebastian, gesturing towards the bed, said with a smile, "Shall we make ourselves comfortable and get some rest?"

Ophelia nodded, her eyes reflecting the shared joy of the night. They settled onto the bed, limbs entwined, finding solace in each other's presence. The warmth of the Room enveloped them, creating a cocoon of serenity.

As they drifted into a peaceful slumber, dreams painted with celestial gardens and starlit kisses danced in their minds.

The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, waking them to a new day filled with promise. Sebastian stretched, his eyes meeting Ophelia's with a shared sense of happiness.After freshening up, they headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The enchanted ambiance of Hogwarts greeted them, and as they settled at the Slytherin table, a flutter of excitement filled the air. Sebastian couldn't help but glance at the owl post, where a familiar tawny owl perched with a letter in its beak.

Sebastian, a playful smile on his lips, said, "I believe our feathered friend brings news." He took the letter and, with a theatrical flourish, opened it.

Ophelia watched with anticipation as he read aloud:

"Dear Sebastian,

Greetings from Surrey. I was delighted to receive Elijah's letter and hear about the joyous developments in your life. It seems love is in the air.

I am granting you permission to spend Christmas with Ophelia's family. However, I do insist you join us for New Year's celebrations. It would bring immense joy to have you both with us for the festivities.

Much love,

Auntie Victoria"

Sebastian grinned, eyes twinkling. "Well, it seems my aunt is quite excited about our courtship and has graciously extended an invitation for New Year's."

Ophelia, thrilled by the prospect, replied, "That sounds wonderful, Sebastian. I'm looking forward to celebrating it with your family."

Sebastian's expression softened as he gazed at Ophelia. "I must admit, waking up next to you this morning was a dream. I wish every day could start like this, but I understand that's not quite possible yet."

Ophelia, touched by his words, reached for his hand. "Maybe not every day, but we'll create as many moments like these as we can, won't we?"

Sebastian nodded, a promise lingering in his eyes. "Absolutely, Ophelia. And who knows, maybe one day waking up next to you will be a daily occurrence."

Sebastian's mention of waking up next to Ophelia every day resonated deeply. Ophelia, caught off guard by the implication, felt a warmth spread across her cheeks, a telltale sign of her flustered state.

Sebastian, noticing her reaction, couldn't help but chuckle. "Did I catch you by surprise, my love?"

Ophelia, trying to conceal her flustered demeanor, playfully nudged him. "Well, it's not every day one hears such romantic notions, especially before breakfast."

Sebastian grinned, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Just planting the seeds for the future, my darling. A Slytherin always plans ahead."

Ophelia, her embarrassment giving way to amusement, rolled her eyes. "And what, pray tell, is the grand plan, Mr. Sallow?"

Sebastian, a mischievous glint in his eyes, leaned back in his chair, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "You know, Ophelia, there's this breathtaking girl. She's gorgeous, intelligent, funny, and kind. She truly is incredible. I can't help but be utterly captivated by her."

Ophelia, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and delight, played along. "Oh really? Tell me more about this girl."

Sebastian chuckled, feigning ignorance. "Well, she has the most enchanting eyes, a smile that can light up the darkest room, and a laugh that's like music to my ears. And you wouldn't believe how lucky I am to even know her. But she knows all this already."

Ophelia, trying to hide her growing smile, teased, "Sounds like someone I should meet. Do tell more."

Sebastian, maintaining the charade, pondered aloud, "I heard she's a fan of Quidditch, especially Slytherin's chasers. Rumor has it, she even has a soft spot for a certain someone on the team."

Ophelia, unable to contain her laughter, played along. "Well, this girl has excellent taste, I must say."

Sebastian, his eyes dancing with amusement, took her hand. "I have it on good authority that she's not just a spectator. She might even have dreams of flying through the air, scoring goals, you know."

Ophelia, now fully immersed in the playful banter, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? And what else do you know about this mysterious girl?"

Sebastian, leaning in with a conspiratorial grin, whispered, "Well, rumor has it she's in love. Head over heels, really. And that she dreams of the day I'll put a ring on her finger and we'll create a beautiful life together."

Ophelia, a mix of emotions playing on her face, decided to play along. "I'd love to meet this girl. Do you think she'd be up for it?"

Sebastian, smirking, replied, "I'm sure she'd be thrilled, Ophelia. In fact, I have a feeling she might already be here."

They exchanged a knowing look, the playful charade revealing the depth of their connection. The rest of their breakfast unfolded in a light-hearted atmosphere, their secret shared through glances and subtle touches.

Whispers of my heart - Sebastian Sallow x OCWhere stories live. Discover now