Chapter 1: ~ The Sound of Love ~

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It was early morning. All was well in the afterlife. It was as if everyone awoke at their highest mood. The golden gates of the loving realm known as Heaven, seen as a paradise for the purest of souls, was at its highest. The angels and beings alike, creating new life in the form of animals and plants in the living world known as earth. 

Lucifer, one of the many angels, had plenty of ideas. His ideas the brightest of them all. Yet, his ideas would be shoved aside, as the others would see it as troublesome. 

Despite this, there was one angel who loved his ideas. 

That was me, Lydia Meridath.

I'm a seraphim, a highly ranked angel created by god himself. 

And yet, despite this status of mine, I couldn't convince the other angels of how smart nor bright Lucifers ideas were.

But I could still make him happy! I listened to his ideas, encouraged him, and even helped him! 

We were close!

Despite what the others say, we were inseparable. Like two beings meant to be friends. Or even more..

One day, I heard that god had created two humans. The first two humans. Adam and Lilith. 

Lucifer came over, and as he was telling me about these two humans, he told me about Lilith. 

...he liked her.

He admired her independence and strive for the good of things.

Of course, I smiled. Happy for the two who fell in love.

But no, I wasn't smiling on the inside. It hurt. Oh how it hurt. The many days I'd sit there, giggling to myself, just imagining our future together. The many days I'd imagine we finally convinced the angels of all the good ideas we thought of together to contribute to earths living forms. Gone, just like that, as he found someone else he loved. Much to my dismay, he only ever saw me as a friend, nothing more.

I wouldn't dare speak bad about his choices. I couldn't lose him as a friend, nor an ally. So of course, I congratulated him on his newfound love and relationship.

But that all changed when I was there during the trial.

I witnessed in horror as they cast him and his love down to what was known as now hell.

Yet, I wasn't allowed to protest, or scream for them, or even cry.

I had to be perfect in heavens eyes..

And that meant going by their laws and choices to cast the one I cared the most about, down to the firey pits of hell, where they'd rot for eternity.

At least, that's what I was told.

I had no way of knowing what he was doing down there, let alone what hell itself was like.

All I could hope is that he was okay.

I wanted him to be okay.

I still cared for him despite how things had disappointly turned out.

If only I had decided to step up, and protest. Maybe he still would be in heaven with me.

But that day scared me to death itself.

If someone as great as Lucifer could be cast down to the underworld so fast..


..could I?

~ An Angelic to Demonic Love Story ~Where stories live. Discover now