Chapter 3: ~ Meeting Her ~

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The day I decided to sneak down with the exterminators is the day it changed my life.

I disguised myself as one of the exterminators. Nobody would care enough to notice me missing anyways. So it's not like they'd be looking for me. But they sure as hell would notice me joining the extermination army if I were to go undisguised.

I had limited time as I couldn't be left behind by the other angels. I had no ability myself to open the portal into hell and back, since I was never taught. I was basically neglected by the other angels. So I had to rely on the others for such a thing.

But I wanted to see him. 

I missed him dearly.

Yet, I didn't think clearly. This place was huge. I had no idea where exactly Lucifer was. Or even how to get through this place.

And that's when I miscalculated my time limit. The angels were leaving and I wasn't ready. I was left behind, as my exit back to heaven closed. 

Sighing, I took this time to explore the underworld. I of course, stood out, since I looked like an angel. 

Eventually I found myself at this hotel. It looked welcoming, in comparison to everything else. So I opened the door, and went inside.


I was instantly greeted by someone who looked..familiar.

I could have sworn I've seen her before in heaven..but she had no halo. she must have been a demon.

She introduced herself as Vaggie. A pretty name..yet so familiar..

My attention drifted from Vaggie to another girl who greeted me. Both were obviously shocked to see an angel, that seemed so calm, rather than blood thirsty, enter the hotel, let alone be in hell after the extermination was already over. Of course, Vaggie was the cautious one, gripping a spear behind her. 

Yet this girl who stepped beside Vaggie looked oddly familiar as well. Not in the same way Vaggie was. But rather, she looked like someone.


She looked like Lucifer. Even acted a bit like him. Was this his daughter? I of course had to ask, since my main goal was to see him again.

"Are chance..Lucifers daughter?"

The girl who previously introduced herself as Charlie, froze. "Well..yes. I am. Why do you ask?"

So I was right! With a smile of relief, I nodded. "I thought so. You look so much like him. Even how you talk is similar.."

I noticed Charlies eyes seem to soften at that. She looked like she was thinking, before she finally spoke. "Are you looking for him? Do you know him?"

I nodded in response to her question. "I do. I'm not sure if it's my place to share but I knew him back when he was in heaven with me- before he..well.." My voice trailed off.

"Before he fell.." Charlie nodded. Then smiled. "I'm guessing you came here to reconnect with him? That's sweet! I'm sure he'd love to see you!"

"You think so? I wasn't sure if he would..or even remember me.." 

"Oh no no, he would love to reconnect I'm sure! He needs it anyways.." Charlie insisted. Picking up her phone. "I could call him if you like! And you could look around the hotel if you want!"

I was pleasantly surprised, though not as much as I would usually be. She seemed so sweet. I could tell she was raised well. In manners, anyways. I nodded. And Vaggie showed me around the hotel. Since, this place may be where I'd have to stay until the next extermination come. 


..just maybe things will be alright.

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