Chapter 15: ~ A Battle with the Heart ~

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As we arrived at the hotel in a hurry, we were informed by Charlie about the angels. They had planned to attack head on, unwarned, as if to gain the leverage of catching those off guard.

Of course, me and Lucifer had planned to help defend the hotel and the people inside it. 

I was angry, considering I thought Heaven had enough with the fighting. But they just kept coming back for more. It frustrated me. 

As we went on with defending the hotel from angry looking attackers, I had spotted an angel fleeing. So of course I followed. 

They ran, and as I went in for the attack, they dodged, and who attacked me instead was Lute. Perhaps that angel had planned to lead me to her. 

"Finally, I get to kill you this time.." I heard her say as she pinned me down. Aiming her weapon at my throat. 

"Not a chance." I grunted as I kicked her straight in the stomach. As she groaned, I took this chance to shove her off.

I gripped my spear, and soon, we were fighting. Brawling even.

The sound of our spears clanking against one another was loud. I kept backing up as she was coming towards me with every connection our spears made.

"Can't we just settle this nicely? There's no good reason for this messy violence!" I exclaimed.

"It's hell, violence is nothing new down here! And besides, you're still in my way!" I heard her say. Charging towards me.

I barely dodged and blocked her attack with my spear. "But, wouldn't it be less exhausting to talk it out? Instead of resorting to violence? Maybe it'd be easier to get your way!" I said, trying to speak in a way she'd understand. Trying to get through to her.

"Not after you killed Adam!" She growled.

"It wasn't even me who did it! Why must you attack me for it?" I groaned. Getting tired of constantly blocking her charges. I wasn't attacking her back since I wanted to talk it out instead. But.. I was losing hope. 

"If I hurt or kill the people you love, maybe you'll know what it's like to have the one you love taken away from you!" She exclaimed.

I paused.. 

"I'm sorry that he was taken from you. I wish it could have ended more civilly but it ended the way it did because you heaven folk decided to charge and attack without even willing to talk it out first!" I huffed.

"Not him.. You." She confessed. Making my eyes widen.  

"Me..?" This made me pause. Lowering my weapon as I thought about her words.


Yet that was a mistake, as I felt her stab through my stomach. I gasped, and froze in pain. Unable to scream.

As she pulled the spear out of me forcefully, I felt myself fall to the ground. Onto my knees, dropping my own weapon.

"Lute please.. Not like this.." I pleaded to her.

"Have fun dying and watching the ones you love die in front of you. With nothing you can do about it." She said, walking off. 

And yet, before I could black out..

My eyes widened..

When I saw..




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