Chapter 8: ~ The Heartbreak ~

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I felt a painful sensation and sting through my stomach.


I was stabbed by Lute herself, after had been distracted by the other angels.

It hurt.

It hurt so much. 

Yet not as bad as I thought it would.

Perhaps the adrenaline running through me overclouded the pain I would've felt in the moment.

I fell to the ground in pain, kneeling down as I clutched my stomach in a sad attempt to stop the bleeding. 

I looked up, only to be greeted by Lute's smirk. She looked sadistic. 

"I'd kill you, but I figure leaving you here to die slowly, knowing your only friend killed you, is much more threatening." She'd say to me.

Though that conversation would soon be interrupted, as the hotel itself came down. I could see in the distance that it was Adam's doing. And while Lute would fly out of the way in time, the lack of strength and the pain running through me prevented me from doing the same. The debris falling down on me as I yelled out in fear.




"LYDIA!" Lucifer would exclaim. 

I felt myself being pulled out from under the rubble. Somehow, just somehow, I was alive. Though, barely.

My vision was blurry, though I could tell it was Lucifer and Charlie infront of me. Yet, that's when I collapsed and fell unconscious.




"She's awake!" I'd hear Charlie exclaim happily as I slowly awoke. 

"..Huh..?" I said, my vision clearing as I became more conscious.

"You passed out..Thankfully, we were able to stop the bleeding, and patch you up in time." Charlie would smile. 

I jumped as I heard the door open suddenly. 

"I heard she was awake! She's okay, right?" Lucifer spoke up. Kneeling beside the bed.

"Oh you're both here..that's good.." I'd say with a tired smile. Despite being patched up, I was absolutely exhausted. I let out a sigh, and stared at the ceiling. "I guess you guys built a new hotel then?"

As I was greeted with nods, I smiled. Though, as I remembered the battle, I groaned. "What all happened while I was out?"

I noticed the two share worried glances, before Charlie explained everything.




"So Adams dead huh?"

"...Sir Pentious too.."

I paused. 

" least he was brave enough to sacrifice himself. I'll give him that." I smiled. Sitting up with a groan. " about everyone else? And more importantly, you two.."

Lucifer smiled. Placing a hand on my shoulder. "They're fine. A bit shaken up, like all of us are, but we're in good shape. It's Sir Pentious who got the worst of it."

I nodded. 

As our conversations ended, Charlie left me and Lucifer alone. That's when I began to speak.

"You know, I'm glad we got to reconnect. It's just, I didn't plan a whole war would happen during the time I'd see you again." I joked.

Lucifer laughed. "Yeah well, you were very brave. I'm proud of you."

I blushed at his praise. Something about him complimenting me in such a way got to me. The familiar feeling of getting all fuzzy and tingly on the inside, as if I was on a cloud, returned. "Thank too." I returned the praise. "I didn't see much, but I did see you in action a few times. And I gotta say, you look..pretty good when fighting to protect what you love." I attempted at flirting.

I notice a blush creep on his face. Which gave me a sense of confidence. "Thank you..You're not so bad yourself.." I heard him say with a slight flustered tone. I chuckled, seeing my attempts at flirting worked, at least a bit. 

"You already said that~" I said with a tease.

"Oh hush." He chuckled. Standing up. "I'm gonna let you rest, since I can tell you're still exhausted." 

I nodded. Laying back down on the bed. 

As I watched Lucifer walk to the door, I saw him pause and look at me. I then saw him smile softly. I could've sworn there was a glimmer of love in his eyes, but I could just be delusional. "Goodnight Lydia.." I heard him say.

"Night, Luci." I responded. Playing with fire as I called him by his old nickname I used to give him back then. I saw him light up a bit, as he turned back and left. Closing the door, leaving me to rest.

I was clouded by my thoughts of that conversation. I swear, I was falling for him more and more with every interaction. 

"Ughhh..why is he so adorable!" I groaned to myself. Covering my face. I felt like a teenager in love for the moment. 

I let out a long sigh, calming myself down. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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