Chapter 9: ~ Friends? Or More.. ~

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Lucifers POV. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It had been a few months since the battle. But especially months since I rekindled my friendship with Lydia. Yet as the days go on, I found myself awake at night, thinking of her. It wasn't until a week ago where I truly realized I fell in love with her, after had seen her and Charlies mother-daughter like relationship. 

It took me a week of courage buildup and planning to actually find the right time to confess to her. After all, this would be my first relationship after..years. 

I had called her through phone. When she agreed to come over for a chat, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I began pacing as the hours ticked by, awaiting her arrival. Until..


Lydias POV. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I knocked on the door. All I knew was Lucifer needed to talk to me, but insisted it be in person rather than text or call. It made me worried. What if something happened? Which is why I came as fast as I could.

As he opened the door, I could see his nervous expression. It only amplified my worries. 

"Come in, come in." Lucifer would say with a smile. As he stepped aside, I stepped in with a smile. 

I sat down with him, awaiting the reasoning as to why he wanted to meet with me. Though before I could speak, he broke the silence first. 

"So..uh..there's been something on my mind lately. Bear with me here, I'm not entirely sure how I should phrase this.." He spoke up.

This made me tilt my head. "Is everything okay?" I asked with worry filling my tone. Concerned for him.

"Oh nothings wrong! It's just..I've developed some new feelings I guess you could say?" He grumbled. The situation turning awkward. "Listen I'll just be straightforward, get it over with..I like you. A lot. Love even." I noticed him hold his breath, awaiting a response.

My eyes instantly widened at his confession. Too far into the shock to notice the slight tears in my eyes.

"Oh shoot I uh..I'm sorry!" I heard him awkwardly say in a panic. That's when I realized I forgot to respond. So I stood up to be on his level. 

"Wait! I just..I'm in shock.. you really like me? You're being serious?" I asked in disbelief.

I saw him nod nervously. Which, I laughed with a smile. Hugging him immediately. His confession leaving me speechless. I had been so sure he wouldn't feel the same. But he ended up being the one to confess before me. In many ways I was thankful, since I may not have had enough courage to confess to him in the first place.

"Woa!" I heard him say in surprise at the sudden hug. Though I felt him chuckle and hug back. Together we shared a loving embrace. Not one as friends. But as newly found lovers, with a long path ahead of them.

As I parted, I sniffled. Feeling him wipe away a few of my tears with his thumb. 

"Don't cry.." I heard him say with a chuckle. Yet despite his words, I could see a tear or two in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey cmon..I'm too happy not too..They're happy tears." I smiled.

That marked the day I was at my happiest. And it could only go uphill from there.

Or so I thought..

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