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As our story starts off with a boy named Kheenan. Kheenan tranfers from New Orleans to Houston due to him getting kicked out when his parents found out he was gay. He was forced to live with his online friend in Texas, for his other family members wouldn't claim him. His sister, London, joins him as moral support, she was the only one who stayed with him and his friend. He transfers to a school named 'Jerrod High School', He isn't aware of his life in this school.
(Context: Their friends name is Daniel. M, 21, masc gay, 6'0, dreadhead, dress style: thrifter/fashion nigga, lightskin honeybun, He lives by himself.

K: ''.. So lemme go over this.. You want me and my sister to go to this school you went to until I graduate.. And I just got here 2 weeks ago.. me and London not even settled in yet for real...'' He says reading over the school info.
D: ''I understand that, but summertime is coming to an end.. School starts August 9th.. so it be better to start now. ''
K: ''I-.. Okay.. I guess.''
D: ''I'll buy you and your sister some clothes and shoes.''
K: ''Okay. Thank you but you really don't have to..''
D: ''No.. I feel like I have to. Plus, y'all came here with only a few outfits. I'll take y'all to The Galleria tomorrow morning. So be dressed.''
K: ''Ok. I'll let Len know.''

- - - - - - - - - Some back track. - - - - - -

One day, Kheenan is on Fortnite with Daniel, and suddenly his mother bust in his room door.
K: ''Girlll.. Runnn that back bro . I'm lagging bro, on my mamaa I'm lagging ! You just lucky .''
D(on mic.): ''Yeahh. Okay sure. Go purple.''
K: ''Okay.. Yeah see! Im not lagging no m-''
*Door slams open*
K: ''HUU. Mama you scared me.. can you knock next time..''He says as he clicks the mute button on his PS5 controller.
KM: ''Mm. Ion think there's gon be a next time, Boy.''
K: Kheenan's heart starts beating fast thinking he did something wrong, he doesn't remember doing anything bad. ''Uh.. Mama.. What are you talking about..''
KM: ''Now why my facebook friend send me you on TikTok and you over here doing a ''Meg challenge''.. Whats a ''Meg challenge'' boy?
KM:... HELLO BOY ? I know ian speaking no chinese! EXPLAIN YOSELF BOY!!
K: Um.. It's Um..
KM: Nah. It's all coo. I seen the video, I'm tryna figure out where you learned that 2-step from. Cause it wasn't me.
K: Ehahaha.. But yeah.. that was a lil challenge my girlfriend wanted me to do..
KM: Oh yeah, you should've never said that. Cause I went thru you sista phone to, and I went to that app ''Wizz'', I saw you on her thing. What does..'' She picked up her phone and went to her photo and read. '' What is 18, gay,bttm? Hmm? What that mean ?
KM: So you over here being a freak online, being gay, and lying to me? For 3 years? Saying that ''Ohh that girl Danisia my girlfriend .. NIGGA THATS JUST YO GIRL FRIEND. YOU FAGGOT BITCH.''
K: Mama.. Stop talking like that-
KM: Nah it's coo. Wait til yo dad get home.

Kheenan's mom slammed the door, walking out.

K: .. He faces his TV, and unmutes his mic. ''Daniel. Do you think. I can stay with you. Til like. I get a house. I might get kicked out.''
D: ''Uhh.. Sure? Why though?''
K: ''Um. My mom found out.. I'm gay.''
D: ''Ahh shit.. Yeah.. You can.''
K: ''Thank you..'' He picks up his controller and starts playing, but his hands are shaking.

- - - - - - - - Hours later - - - - -

Kheenan walks downstairs to get water, but he's greeted at the kitchen table with his father staring at him. He walks to the fridge and gets a cup of water and trys to walk away.

KD: ''Nah. You already know how this about to go.''
K: ''Dad.. I-''
KD: ''Nahh Nahh. Have a seat.''
K: ''..''
KD: '' ..So you gay now?"
K: "..."
KD: ''Im hearing a lot of silence and not a lot of explaining. Whats up with that ?''
K: ''Im.. Im sorry.. I-''
KD: ''Sorry. You're Sorry.'' He begins to raise his belt while reading the screenshots his mother sent him.
K: Kheenan begins to cry.
KD: ''Nah.. Nah.. Don't cry. You want to be a faggot right? You like other niggas now right?? YOU WANT DICK IN YOUR ASS NOW NIGGA?'' He starts hitting Kheenan repeatedly, causing him to fall out of his seat. ''YOU WANT AIDS? YOU WANT THAT GAY DISEASE? YOU WANT OTHER NIGGAS TO TOUCH U RIGHT? IMA TOUCH YOU ALRIGHT.'' He picks him up and throws him to the wall, he then starts to punch and kick his son on the floor. ''Pack your shit. You're a mistake. I want you out of this house by Sunday.''
K: ''K.''

Kheenan runs away from the kitchen, walks upstairs and begins to cry. He falls over, his legs shaking as he lays on the floor crying. He starts to wonder why this had to happen to him . He begins to get his two Gucci duffle bags, and his suitcase and starts packing. His sister, London, walks in his room.

L: ''Hey.. Mom told me what happened are you ok-''
K: ''Kheenan looks up at London with a busted lip and a black eye crying.''
L: ''.. Who.. Was it dad..?''
K: ''Y-Yeah. He says a with a face full of tears.''
L: ''He kicking you out?''
K: ''He shakes his head up and down saying yes.''
L: ''Im coming with you. I don't care. He can't do that to you because you're gay.''
K: ''No.. Len stay here.. You have a future ahead of you.''
L: ''No. I don't care. You raised me my whole life basically. I miss our old parents. They got a bit of money and don't know how to act.''
K: ''Okay. I understand. Pack your stuff. Im buying a flight ticket to Houston, we're staying with my online friend. ''
L: ''Okay.''
K: He starts packing his clothes, money, skincare, and hair products. London doing the same.

Hours later.

K: ''Len. We fly out at 2 am. So be up at 12.''
L: ''Okay.. Im ready to go now.''
K: ''Alright. I'll tell Mr. Zhuger to take us to the AirPort at 11:30.''
L: ''Okay.''
K: He starts texting Daniel.

K: heyy daniel so my plan will land there around 3:20
D: igh fs ill be there at 3. just lmk when you land.
K: okk ty agian fr
D: ofc its the most i can do.
K: OH also my sister is flying with me is it okay if she stays to?
D: yeah fs i just need to clean my other room then.
K: ty im sorry for telling you last minute
D: its all coo dw .
K: alrr ill tty laterr
D: igh bye

K: ''Now.. how do I cover these..''
He goes into his bathroom and takes out the first aid kit. He grabs some alcohol and puts it on his arms and legs and applys an eye patch to his eye.
K: ''Okay.. I should be good''

- after there flight -

K: ''Okay.. now he said he would be driving a Tesla.. So look out for a black Tesla.''
L: ''Ok. Wait.. Is that him right there ?''
K: ''Oh, Yeah! I think so let me call him.'' He picks up his phone and calls Daniel. ''Yeah we in row 1.''
Daniel drives up with Ken Carson blasting from his car.
D: ''Yoooooo. Whats up Khen! Ian thought you was this short in real life.''
K: ''Boyy. Shut up and come catch this fade..''
They both hug each other, for it's there first time seeing each other in real life. They get in the car and sit down. As the driving continues they stop at a red light
D: ''Sooo.. What happened? Daniel says looking at Khaneen.''
K: ''Khaneen looks back at him. With what? What happened.''
D: ''You're eye. You have that patch on it. Why? When we called 2 days ago it wasn't there.''
K: ''Oh.. I.. um.. You remember how my headset is broken yeahhh.. I poked my eyeee. Im clumsy as fuck you know that..''
D: ''Can I see?''
K: ''Uh..''
D: ''He grabs his cheek pulling his head and looks him in his eye.''
K: ''I-.. Uhm.. Daniel my sister's.. In the car..''
D: ''Relax. I just want to see your eye.''
K: ''Ok.. he puts his hand on Daniel's hand, and moves his eye patch revealing his black bloodshot eye.''
D: ''Oh.. I got something at my house for that.''
K: ''Okay.. Thank you!.." He gives Daniel a light smile
D: He turns to the side and trys to cover him blushing. R-Right. You're welcome. He turns back to him
K: ''Uhh.. Your still holding my cheek..''
D: ''I want to look at you.''
K: ''You.. I..'' He looks away in embarrassment.
D: ''What? you nervous assum?'' He giggles as he finds a liking in teasing him.
K:  He looks at his eyes and then down to his lips smirking ''Boyy. You not making shit nervous over here nigga.'' He says playfully turning his head bit, letting out a light chuckle.
D: ''Oh really?'' He turns Khaneen's head and leans in for a kiss.
K: Khaneen looks at Daniel and leans in to eyes closed.

L: Um.

Daniel and Khaneen look straight ahead at the road like nothing happened

K: . Uhhhh Len! When did youuu wake up??
L: Long enough to see that shit.
K: Uhhhhhh.. sincerest apologies..
L: Uh huh.

- - - End of Chapter 1. - - -

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