act viiii

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Kheneen jumps back from the sound of gun grabbing his foot and screaming. But, he didn't feel any pain in his foot. He looks down to see a bullet shot to the floor. He looks up at Jeremiah.

K: "Jeremiah.. You.." He looks up at Jeremiah then looking down at the bullet on the ground.
J: "4 lefts, 2 rights." He turns around and puts his firearm back in his shoebox.
K: . . .
Kheneen walks out his room and complies to Jeremiah's directions. He orders a uber to Daniel's house and types in the NowThatsJerrod page on Instagram. He already sees the page have 246 followers. He screenshots the post and exits the house. He waits for the uber walking down the street to a near gas-station. He sits down and swipes left to see 12 message requests.

whyd u cheat on jeremiah for isacc?? thats weird asf
is it true??
whyd u cheat.. thats weird asf..
Why would you do that to Jeremiah..
Do you wanna fight??
You a eaterrrr

K: .. "I didn't even do anything.. I need to find Isacc's profile." He types in Isaccs name in Instagram and his profile immediately pops up first.
K: "trooll2muchisacc_..? I think this is him.." He follows him and looks at his story.

K: "This really .. Who even made that ..?" Kheneen sees the uber amd immediately gets in the car. He stares out the window wondering who could've made it. He checks his phone to notification from a groupchat on messages. It's named "p$$y fairy" .
K: "Who is these.. London's in here?"

M: kheneen was it true???
K: gonna assume u tb that slander thing, its not i have stretch marks on my waist and my hairs not that shade of brown .
A: oh iktr
K: and im finna post that, but who are yall?
A: oh its ava and marlee everyone else is in the ft
K: oh ok ill join when i get home
A: alrr

Kheneen puts down his phone and thinks agian. 6 minutes later, he receives a notification from a unsaved number.

...: I will do everything to ruin your reputation. You stole Jeremiah from me .
You don't deserve shit.
K: ion even know who u is .. but um ok cool
...: You acting like you don't care. I will RUIN you .
K: ok
K: ..lemme know when u start. He blocks the number and screenshots the message.

The uber the stops at Daniel's house. He walks out the uber and enters the house. He immediately sees Daniel up making Budang balls, and Buldak noodles.
D: "What's up, Kheneen. I thought you was going to yo friend house?
K: "..." Kheneen walks over to him and gives him a hug and starts crying on his chest.
D: "Woahh.. Wait what's wrong Kheneen?"
K: "He broke up with me over something that wasn't even true! Now everyone at that school thinks I'm just a weird cheater!"
D: Daniel immediately starts smiling and looks down and starts rubbing Kheneens back.
D: "Look, it's gon be alright. Y'all wasn't even together for a long time. It's all gon be okay. Did he let you explain?" He starts to move Kheneen down to a chair and sits next to him
K: "No.. He almost shot me.. When I tried.." He looks up a Daniel as his face starts to change from concerned to furious.
D: "He tried to.. ..Where does he stay? I'll be right back. The Budang is ready. Just watch the noodles." Daniel gets up and walks towards his room.
K: Kheneen gets up and follows him. "Wait. What are you doing??"
D: "Let me handle it. I'll be right back. Text me his address." He starts to scroll on his phone to make a phone call.
K: "Don't h-.. Wait." Kheneen starts to think about him shooting him over something that wasn't true. "I'll send it right now."
D: "Perfect." Daniel walks in his room and makes 2 calls to his homeboys.

- in daniels room -

What to wear? He thought as he picks up his ski. He puts on black jeans and a sp5der hoodie. He layers it with a North Face jacket. He gets a Glock and places it in his PSD in his pants. "Ian had to do this in a hot minute." He says grabbing his bag and making his way back to the kitchen.

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