act regret .

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London walks over to Kheneen staring over his body. She observes the scars on his legs and arms and ashy skin. She starts to see Kheneen's bruised face and dark undereyes. "Y-You destroyed your own.. Everything for a man? Your hair looks.. dry.. your face is oily.. Are you serious?..". Kheneen looks over to his sister and simply looks back down to the wall. "I don't know when love became elusive. All I know is, it's to easy for other gay boys to find love. I hate that. Why is it. When I find a boy I like he cheats on me, or try to kill me?". London stares at her brother as he says a whole bunch of nothing. "Getcho ass up." London says looking at Kheneen on the ground. Kheneen slowly turns his head to look at his sister. "GETCHO ASS UP!" London then gets her Gucci belt out of her tote bag and starts hitting Kheneen with it. Kheneen then starts screaming and crying and getting up and runs towards his room in the apartment. "I want to see you to come to Chipotle with me in 50 minutes. You're getting us something to eat. We need to talk. If I don't see you there, I'm coming back here." London says to the door Kheneen is in, and exiting the room. Kheneen heavily breaths and wipes his tears. He then gets simple black tee and grey essentials pants out his bag. He then takes his things to the bathroom and turns on the shower to cold. He does his skincare and ice his face. As he gets floods of memories of Daniel in his mind. He sits down in the shower and lets the water run over his hair. He savors the taste of the sweat from his hair and the taste of mint coming from his hair as he sits in the shower. He sits in the shower thinking about Daniel's face. Why did he cheat on him? Was he not enough? Was he too clingy? The thoughts only multiplied as he sits in the shower he snaps out of it when a sudden sting on his arm from the belt interrupts his thought process . He starts to do his normal vanilla smelling routine. He remembers something Jordyn told him while they were in school. "I don't know if you should trust my brother .. He's afraid of love and can't comprehend it and he's not a loyal person.. But.. Deep down.. If you consider him a chance, I'm sure you can make him change!". He sits in the mirror while watching the Lemonade film. Applying gel to his hair and styling it. As he defuses his hair he remembers the familiar scene of Daniel helping Kheneen with his hair, him feeling and playing with his hair while Kheneen got Daniel to get the back to make sure it looked perfect. He later walks out the door and walks to Chipotle. He walks out the hotel listening to "Pray To Catch Me". He reactivates his socials and walks to Chipotle. He sees the familiar sun he once saw when he was with Daniel. He enters the Chipotle and sees London on her phone, he walks over to her and has a seat. "Come buy my bowl then, we'll talk." She says getting up and walking to the order station. He gets up from his seat and follows. "Hi, I want a bowl with white rice, no beans, chicken, pico, cheese, and brown mild salsa? Thank you.". London says speaking to the worker. Kheneen looks at the food and memories flood in. This was Daniel's favorite place to e-. "Stop. Thinking about him until we speak." London says punching Kheneen's stomach. The workers look in shock. "Sorry, about that! Queso and the side and avacado. The words suddenly fade out as Love Drought plays. The take a seat while Kheneen drinks a sprite. "Why would you leave me at that mans house?" London says breaking the silence. "I.. I didn't mean to .. It was just a lot going on in my mind.. And I-". "So you leave me at this man who could've hurt me? Did anything to me? You just left me ?". "..London.." "Im not mad. Just asking." She says pouring the queso on the stirred bowl. "I.."

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London and Kheneen take a uber to Daniel's house to see whats the next plan. They enter the house and see Daniel drinking Henny and looking at old pictures of Kheneen. He turns his head over his shoulder and sees Kheenen and looks at Kheneen's appearance at his door. His eyes widen and his heart sinks. "Kh-Khe-Kheneen?". Kheneen walks over to Daniel and sits down next to him. "London said you have something to tell me.". Daniel looks and quickly shakes his head and looks at Kheneen. "I- Yeah.. That video and text stuff is old.. I have proof.. Look..". He shows him the receipts. It's true. He's not lying. He was framed and his ex texted things to other people to frame him. "See..! It's all.. fa-fake.. See-?" Kheneen hugs Daniel as he crys from pent up pain from the last weeks. "It's okay Daniel.. But.. I can't love you again.. We can just be.. friends from now on.. I'm sorry.." He whispers in his ear. "Wh-What..?" Daniel says slowly turning his head. "I'm sorry.. I can't trust you in a relationship.. We can still be friends though !" Kheneen says smiling and looking at Daniel. "Kheneen.. I- I love you though.. I waited for you to come back.. Everyday.. Every hour.. Kh- Kheneen please.. I'LL CHANGE.. PLEASE.. PLEASEPLEASEPLEAS-". Kheneen walks over and hugs Daniel again tightly. "We both aren't good for each other. We should just be friends. Maybe, If I see improvement, I'll get back with you again!" Kheneen lets go of Daniel. "I'm going to get my stuff from my hotel! I'm coming back! I'll be right back.". Kheneen walks out the door. London turns to Daniel and walks upstairs. "Why did he.. Still not want me.. After all I.. I don't.. I just need to end it. I only wanted him. I'm ending it all now.. I can't hurt him anymore.. I'll end it now."

Daniel reaches inside his pocket and shoots himself in his stomach.

What will happen past here? I suppose we'll never know..

What will happen past here? I suppose we'll never know

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