act viii

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After the slow car ride to school and listening to music on the radio. The three of them reach the school. London exits the car and walks into the school immediately. Kheneen says bye to Daniel and exits the car.

Kheneen enters the school and is met with people immediately running up to him.

"Can I see the video??"
"Can you show me that video of Reggie?? Everyone said you were there??"
"Washoname?? Can I get that video of the fight from yesterday??"

K: "I- Uhh.. Ya'll gotta pay me, no shade.."
"Whats your cashapp?? I'll pay you right neow."
He puts his cashapp in the person's phone and they send him $3. Kheneen airdrops the video to the person.
"Thank you! Because apparently Reggie killed that boy! That's funny to me."
K: "Wait.. Hes.. dead..?"
"Well.. Yeah.. But the only people who have a video are you, Isacc, and Marlee.. But they not here yet so.."
Dead..? Kheneen thought as he watches the video.
"Sooo.. Can I send it around..??"
K: "Go ahead. Im deleting it."
"I- Okay! Y'all it's $5 for the videoo!~"

Kheneen walks to his classroom while the feeling of guilt goes over him. He should've stopped Reggie from killing him. He enters his classroom to some chatter about the events of yesterday. Kheneen walks to the back of the class he sees Reggie reading a book, and others on their phone. He sits down and goes on his phone. His phone suddenly covered with hands. Kheneen looks up to see Jeremiah covering his phone and smiling at him.

J: "Soo.. You not gon say nothing to me?? Igh . I see ahow it is."
K: "Ohhh.. Sorry thats my fault. How you doin?"
J: "Good. Now that you here."

Kheneen starts to sigh and cover his mouth to hide his smile. Jeremiah starts looking into his eyes and smiles.

K: "Riiightt.. What you do yesterday??"
J: "Think about you."
K: "Boy. Stop." Kheneen starts to smile and roll his eyes laughing .
Legynd stares at the two. His blood starts to boil as he sees Kheneen and Jeremiah talk about eachother. While they are talking Braylon goes on about why Wanda solos every anime verse imaginable. He then gets up and leaves the classroom .
B: "And thats how I think Wanda and Mado- Where you going?"
L: "I need to call someone. I'll be right back."
B: "Oh- Okay .."
Legynd steps out the classroom and calls Jordyn.
L: "Update?? On the pictures??"
J: "Oh! I forgot about that I'm sorry, I'll work on it later."
L: "Okay. Thanks."
J: "Of course!"
L: "Are you at school??"
J: "No, I'm faking sick, my mom let me stay home.
L: "Okayy. Can I come over after school??"
J: "Yeah. My moms out of town. She'll be gone for like 2-3 weeks."
L: "Okayy, I'll be there after school."
J: "Okay!! I'll talk to you laterr!"
L: "Byeee."
Jordyn ends the call and sits on her bed and starts working. Legynd walks in the class and sits in his seat and stares at Kheneen. Legynd grips his phone in his hand and squeezes it .

- end of 1st period -

Jeremiah and Kheneen walks around the halls.

J: "Ay Kheneen. You tryna come to my place after school?" He walks with Kheneen putting his arm around his shoulder while asking the question .
K: "UhhhhHhHh..! I have to see.." Kheneen looks around walking to their next period.
J: "I mean like.. I can just pick you up. Or we can just go to your house?"
K: "Oh nooo.. We can go to yours, I just gotta ask my friend.."
J: "You live with you're friend? Like no funny shit where yo parents at?"
K: "Uhhh.. That's a story for another time.." Kheneen says walking a bit faster causing Jeremiah's arm to fall off his shoulder.
J: "Oh..- Okay... I guess." Jeremiah was visibly upset about Kheneen but he brushed it off and hurried up with Kheneen.

Thay walk to their next period and have a seat.

Nadia and Isacc are both on their phones. (It's a boring period.. and i want to finsih this chapter soooo lets fast foward to end of school..)

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