act vi

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Daniel walks to his room head down, his heart feels heavy from the news of Kheenan being in a relationship. He always felt a way for Kheenan, there's just something about him that drawn Daniel to him, maybe it was the way Kheenan's eyes sparkled when he looked at him or the way Kheenan just seems to understand him.

He enters his room and sits down on the ledge of his bed, he pulls out his phone and looks for his sister's contact. The phone rings a couple times before she finally picks

J: "Wassup Daniel" Jordyn's voice says through the phone's speaker
D: "Yo Jordy, can you pull up."
J: "Yeah, why is everything okay?" her tone had a worried expression, she could tell by her brothers voice that he was upset. She already stood up to grab her car keys off her dresser and put on her Uggs.
D: "Yeah everything fine, i'll tell you when you get here. Just let yourself in like usual."
J: "Yeah alright i'll be there in 5." Jordyn knew there was something wrong so she quickly got into her Camaro and drove to Daniel's house.

———— Some time later ————

Jordyn opens the door to Daniel's house and makes her way up to his room. His house was kept clean which was out of the ordinary for him, then she remembers how he said his long distance friend and his sister was staying awhile.

J: 'Could this be about them?' She thought in her head before finally making her way to Daniel's door and knocking twice. "Daniel can I come in?"
D: "Yeah."
J: Jordyn opens the door and looks around, his room it's clean and smells like lavender. Her big brother is laying down staring at the ceiling lost in thought. "Daniel.. What the hell is going on?"
D: "I don't know man, Kheenan's gotta new man or sum like that. My heart feels heavy." He says as he moves his hand to cover his face
J: "Daniel..." Jordyn goes over to sit on the ledge of his bed "I always told you, you should've just told him how you felt. In a way this is your fault." She said feeling bad for being harsh to her brother.
D: "You right... what should I do?" He says finally sitting up to look his sister in her eyes.
J: "Hmm, there's nothing you really can do... I mean you can try and break them up, but that'll hurt Kheenan." Jordyn states trying to think of other ideas to help Daniel out
D: "Ouuu, Jordyn you smart." Daniel says while having a stupid grin on his face
J: "The fuck?? Did you not hear what I said, it'll hurt Kheenan." She says raising her tone, but she could already see Daniel made up his mind.
D: "Yeah it might hurt him, but i'll be here to comfort him afterwards, then he'll wanna get wit me"
J: "Daniel you are out you're mother fuckin mi-"
D: "Jordy, please help me with this. You're smart, I know your crazy ass probably has done something like this before." He says while grabbing onto his sister's arm. She winces at his grip before finally caving in.
J: "Fine Daniel.. you owe me big time, i'm not kidding."
D: "Thanks Jordy, you're the best little sister." He smiles finally out of his bad mood "Oh also, can you stay and make dinner tonight? I want you to meet Kheenan and his sister."
J: "Ugh, fine... Daniel you piss me off." Jordyn says as she gets up to go prepare dinner. "By the way i've already met London, we're good friends already" she smiles at the thought oh her
D: "Damn for real? That's good then. It won't be awkward" Daniel says before turning on his PC to play the game before dinner "Now go make sum."

Jordyn rolls her eyes before slamming the door behind her, she walks down the stairs as she hears her brother yell about "not slamming his doors." She makes her way down to the kitchen admiring how well her brother cleaned up.

She goes through the pantry and fridge trying to figure out what she can make, she realized she had just enough to make some chicken alfredo with garlic bread on the side.

J: "Everybody likes alfredo, they better not complain." She mumbled to herself before placing water onto the stove and getting the noodles out the pantry.

————1.5 hours later ————

L: "Is that Jordyn? I didn't even know she was here!" London thinks to herself before she gets up excitedly to go see her friend.
K: "Who's that? I don't recognize that voice but it kinda sounds familiar." Kheenan says after looking up from his screen, he was currently lying down in bed watching YouTube on his ipad but quickly gets up to see who's here.
D: "Finally her ass take too long..." Daniel grumbles before pausing his game.

They all collectively walk down the stairs then Kheenan taps Daniel on the shoulder

K: "Daniel who else is here?" Kheenan questions Daniel as he's obviously confused.
D: "Oh i forgot to tell yall, my sister is here. She made us dinner."
L: "Daniel why didn't you tell us she was coming over? We could've looked more presentable." London mumbles and Kheenan nods in agreement.

Kheenan remembers hearing Jordyn's voice in the background of him and Daniel's facetime calls always trying to get his attention or say hi and how Daniel would always yell at her and push her out his room. He can't help but smile at the memories but then remembers how sad Daniel looked earlier today, but he now seems to be in a better mood.

J: "Hiii guys, I made chicken alfredo and garlic bread! Let me know how it taste." Jordyn exclaims obviously proud of her work.
D: "You took forever, this better be good." Daniel says but he never doubts his sisters cooking, it's always good and sometimes he'd just call her just to make him something to eat.
J: "Daniel shut the fuck up and just eat..." She says clearly annoyed. Kheenan and London laugh at their bickering and take their seats at the table.
Jordyn turns over to look at London and smiles
J: "Hey London, how are you adjusting to everything." Jordyn asks and before taking a bite of her food.
L: "Everything's good so far, we met a bunch of nice people, Also your food is sooo good."
J: Jordyn smiles at Londons comment about her food then turns to Kheenan.
"Sooo Kheenan, what about you?" Jordyn says awaiting his response
K: "Oh you know, everything's been fine. I'm really grateful for your brother." Jordyn smiles at Kheenan's words, Her brother obviously has a soft spot for Kheenan and she can see why. He really is sweet and understanding.
J: "Yeah, he's cool I guess. You'll fit right in, just stay out of mess, but i'm sure Daniel already said that." Jordyn says while looking over at him, he's currently stuffing his face with food after he was just complaining about it. Jordyn giggles at the sight and so does everyone else.

Before Daniel can retaliate Jordyn's phone starts to ring, it was their mom.

J: "Hey momma." Her heart drops, she knows she's gonna get yelled at for being gone all day. It gets quiet and you can hear her mom yelling at her through the phone but can't quite make out what she's saying.

D: "Uh oh.." Daniel whispers under his breath
J: "Uhh it was good seeing everyone, I gotta get home it's late..." Jordyns says looking down at the table clearly upset.
D: "Alright, bye Jordy.. let me know when you get home safe." Daniel says obviously knowing what's about to go down when she gets home. Jordyn grabs her keys then hugs her brother bye. She then turns her attention to London and Kheenan

J: "Bye guys i'll see you around!" She says smiling before making her way out the door.

- - - End of Chapter 6. - - -

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