act iv

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London and Kheneen are now texting.

L: So?
K: ..uh. He send a screenshot of her and Jeremiah's text on Instagram.
L: .. But u was just- in the car..
K: i know.. but len.. you have to relize ive known this man for 4 YEARS. all his past relationships hes cheated on every girl.
plus im like.. 90% sure hes straight..
L: Ohhh my gawdddd get the "hes straight" bs outta here bro ns yall dry almost kissed in the car .
K: len u gotta relize i've known him for years.. hes cheated on everyone hes been w what makes u think he wouldn't cheat on me to ??
L: Okay cool. Im sending this to him. Cause. He wants a reply.
K: tell him ill talk to him after school just dont show him the ss, i want to show him myself.
L: mk

Kheneen sighs. Putting down his phone.
J: "Sooooo u gon reply to my text?"
K: "Oh yeah my bad.. Actually.. Why we texting and im right in front of you..? Say it with your chest."
Everybody at there table stops talking and looks at Jeremiah.
R: "Yeah Jeremiah.. Say it with cho chest ?"
J: "So like.. You tryna fuck wit me like whats up?"
Legynd lets out a gasp and everyone else at the table stares or either looks back at their phones shocked.
K: ".. Uh yeah back to messages.."
J: "Igh ."
They are now texting on instagram.

K: why would u say thatt ! your friends was next to uss 😭
J: why yhu trippin ? you asked me.. im a man of my words my luv . now, u ain answer my question.
K: i mean igs i am 😭 u cute asf and u have a funny personality
J: typee shiii
J: so like wh

R: "Eyy hate to interrupt y'all's lil thing . But do y'all know who dis is? Ima address him after this period. We got a issue." He shows a instagram profile
J: "Thats my nigga Day. He right there why you ask-"
R: "Oh for real bitch? You was gon sit here like you wasn't speaking on my sister, and me in the summer ?"
D: Dayshaun looks up with his head still down sitting down"Ian gon lie bro. You screaming to loud. Shut that shit up ian tryna hear all that ."

Everyone turns there heads in the room, getting there phones out and standing up crowding the back of the room.

D: ..
D: Dayshaun gets up and puts his phone on his deak and ties his track runners up. "Come on bro. Since you wouldn't shut the fuck up ."
Reggie walks around the corner suddenly stopped by Braylon. Dayshaun being held back by a teacher. Kheneen just recording everything.

B: "Reggie. Your outfits to cute and it's the first day do this shit off campus."
R: "You know what.. You right. I'll see you after school we ride the same bus." He sits back down with Braylon.
Dayshaun pulls his arm away from the teacher and sits down to.

Suddenly the bell rings!

Everyone leaves. Kheneen walks outside but was stopped by someone

J: "Wait! My h- Kheneen..!"
K: "Hm? Boy I'm walking slow please what chu want boy." He turns his way smiling at him.
J: "Uhhh well.. Do you need help getting to your next period?"
K: "Yess.. Actually I do.. Do you know where these classes are?"
J: "Ayy. We got next period with my nigga Issac, and Jordyn!" He looks more down. "We got lunch together to!"
K: "Ohhhhh period! Okay! I can't wait to spend some more time with you.."
J: Jeremiah looks away for a second smiling and putting his hand over his face. "Typeeee shitt.."
K: Kheneen lets out a light chuckle. "So where to?
J: "So we gon gooooo to the main hallway I wanna show you off.." He turns to Kheneen.
K: Kheneen shows a shocked impression. "BOY WE JUST MET.. YOU WA-"
J: "Relaxx my heart. It will be really quick. Im just tryna show you off. They don't talk much.''
K: "..Okay.." Kheneen hides his smile with his hand walking with Jeremiah, he feels something he never felt before.

They enter the main hallway.

Kheneen walks with Jeremiah til he stops to see a group of 6 people. He sees London next to a girl with pink and black hair.

K: Oh Len is going to beat my ass
JER: "Alrightt so y'all so this my lil sh- oh.. who's she?"
JOR(Jordyn: "Oh! This is my new friend! London! Shes new! I see you met someone else tooo! Who's he? hes pretty!"
A(Ava): "Yeah! You look really pretty!"
M(Marlee): "Your outfits cute!"
K: "Oh my gowd! Thank youull" Kheneen smiles from this compliment
L: "Mm. So how'd yall start talking?"
M: "Yeah.. Cause I never seen him before?"
JER: "We just met today"
L: "Hm. Okay."
K: Kheneen sighs wondering what London thinks of him.
I(Isacc): "Wait. Where we gon sit at for lunch? Same spot as last year?"
JER: "Yeah. No one goes there anyway.
K: "Where's that?"
JER: "I'll take you after class." He puts his hand on Kheneen's face and kisses his cheek.
K: Kheneen freezes for a moment then blushes softly.(Pretend he can blush..)
A: "Aww! Soy adorbes!"
L: "Interesting. Alrightt! So Jordyn, Marlee, Ava wheres PE?"
JOR: "Right! This wayy!
The girls leave and left is Isacc, Kheneen, and Jeremiah.
J: "Why she moving so weird? Do you know her?"
K: "Oh yeah.. Thats my sister forgot to say.."
J: "OH! My bad. Ian mean to do that in front of her I wish I knew quick!"
K: "It's fine.. But let's go I don't want to be late!"
J: "Alright."
They all walk to class.
- 🤍 -
They walk in the class and there teacher gives them seats next to each other it's a table of 4 with Isacc, Jeremiah, Nadia, and Kheenen.
N: "Ohhh! Heyy Kheneen!"
K: "Hey Nadia! How you doing-"
J: "You mess with her?"
Nadia looks at Jeremiah rolling her eyes and looking at her phone.
K: "Oh well.. Yeah? She helped me get to ny classes and she talks to me? Do y'all not like eachother?.."
J: ...
N: ...
K: "Uh.. So who did what cause..."
J: "Isacc."
I: "Hm? Oh yeah.. So basically Nadia and him fought in likee 9th grade? Over something likee.. Uhm.. I forgot to be honest.."
N: "Because this fuckass nigga was speaking on my dead."
J: Under his breath. "And I'll do it the fuck agian."
N: "Huh?" "What was that?" "Oh. Oh okay."
J: Jeremiah lets out a loud sigh and leans back in his chair.

Who will Kheneen pick?? He seems to be in quite a pickle agian.

- - - End of chapter 4.- - -

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