act iii

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Kheneen and London walk to class together going over their schedules.

K: ''Okay.. So we have lunch together.. And PE..''
L: ''Alright.. So I have ELA first period. I'll ask that girl Nadia where it is.''
London walks over to Nadia.
L: ''Heyy! Where is G126? Is it's a ELA class?'' She shows her the paper.
N: ''Oh yess! You have it with my friend Jordyn!''
L: ''Oh! Is she nice?''
N: ''Yes! She needs her some friends in that period anyways.''
L: ''Alright! Do you think you can take me there?''
N: ''Of course!''
N: Nadia looks at Kheneen. "Do you need help with you periods to?''
K: "Hm? Oh yeah.. I have H246.. do you know where that is?'' He shows her his paper.
N: Nadia looks at the paper and looks up at him and back pushing her lips up to her nose. "Oh.. You have Journalism with Reggie, Dayshaun, Braylon, Legynd and Jeremiah..''
K: ''Oh... That's a lot of boys .. Uhm.. are they rude or something..''
N: ''Well.. It all depends on how you treat them..''
K: Khaneen looks at his paper and starts to get nervous. He doesn't want beef with anyone.
N: ''But enough of that, i'll take you guys to your classes.''
They walk dropping off Kheneen first.
K: ''Bye Len. Thank you Nadia.''
L&N: ''Your welcome, Bye!'' ''Byeee Khenn''

Kheneen walks in class and heads turn immediately and instantl chatter occurs . Kheneen doesn't give a fuck though . Cause hes a gay male whos SOUL cant BE BROKEN.

T: ''Oh! You must be the new student! Hi! You can take a seat at that table with the empty chair in the back!
K: ''Okay. Thank you miss.''

Kheneen walks to the back saying excuse me and moving to the back. Chatter occurs.

'He's fine as fuckk wait hold on..''
''Who is he ?''
''Can he punch though .''
''Ooo his outfit cute as fuck hol on..''
''Is he straight? I might need his insta he fine..''

Kheneen takes a seat. He sees the names on his desk reading Reggie, Jeremiah, Dayshaun, Braylon, and Lygynd. Him being the sixth member of the table.
Kheneen sits down and goes on his phone. He feels someone staring at him. He looks up and sees both Reggie and Jeremiah staring at him. He looks back down and goes on his phone. Then someone breaks the silence of the table

R: ''Yo outfit cute .''
K: Kheneen looks up to see Reggie staring at him. ''Preciate it.''
R: ''Mhm.'' Reggie then looks away

A couple minutes have passed, it's the first day so no work is being done. So everyone is on their phones. Or talking to each other, Braylon and Legynd are talking. Except one who wasn't doing neither of these things.
K: ..
K: ...
K: '' You still staring at me . Why ?''
Everyone at their table turns their heads to see who Kheneen was addressing. All eyes were on Jeremiah sitting right in front of Kheneen.
J: Jeremiah scuffs at him and smirks ''I thought chu was cute. Issue ?''
K: Kheneen eyes widen as he heard that.
D: ''Here go this gay ass nigga.''
R: ''Oh thats.. not..''
K: Kheneen thinks about Daniel and says ''Well thats cool. Take a picture cause ion like you staring at me .''
Reggie whispers something in Braylons ear staring at Kheneen .
J: ''Type shit.'' Jeremiah gets his phone and takes a picture of Kheneen looking at his phone.
L: "Now.. Why he actually take a picture of him.."
J: ''I mean. I'm a man of my words. Ain't that right Reggie?"
R: "Ion fuck wit chu like that . Don't bring me in your obsessive gay shit nigga ."
J: "Type. Shit."
K: "Wait.. You actually.. Wait retake it ."
Kheneen goes on puts down his phone and does a ATL pose. Jeremiah taking the picture overing his smile while favoriting the picture
B: "Yooo this nigga funny as shit!"
K: Kheneen smiles and rolls his eyes and looks down at his phone agian.

- - 20 minutes in to class- -

R: "Kheneen can I talk to you real quick ?"
K: "Yeah, fa sho ."
They get up and go to the other side of the room.
R: "Okay. So that boy Jeremiah he like think you cute and stuff or whatever... So like I was gon ask if u was single."
K: Kheneen looks down thinking about Daniel. Well. Technically, I am single.. We didn't even kiss.. Plus hes not the most trustworthy person in a relationship...
K: "Yeah. I am"
R: "Igh. For sure I gotchu." He gets his phone and goes to Instagram. "He not weird or anything. It's just.. hes a little questionable sometimes. About people he wanted"
K: "Alright."
R: "Whats cho insta ?" He hands him the phone.
K: "Here lemme type it real quick.. Okay"
R: "Alright. Got chu most def."
Kheneen and Reggie both go to sit down. 2 minutes later Kheneen gets a follow from someone named "jjay.nm" he follows it back thinking its Jeremiah. It was. Jeremiah then gives Kheneen heart eyes under all his highlights. Kheneen looks up at Jeremiah shocked as Jeremiah is looking at his phone smiling.

They are now texting.

K: thank youu 🤍.
J: fs u look fine mh
Kheneen gives the message a heart and smiles a bit covering his mouth.
K: mhh?? we jus met tdy
J: so? igs its jus a luv at first sight kinda shii chu know ?
K: boyy uu funny 😂
He suddenly gets a text from London. He opens it and it's a text from Daniel talking about Kheneen . It says:

D: london can u help me
L: Yeah whats up?
D: can uu help me w kheneen? i really like him but idk if he fwm fr
L: Yeah sure! I got you!
D: ty london fr it means a lot

Kheneen's heart starts racing reading the message and the message sent my Jeremiah at the same time time. He seems to be in a quite a pickle hmm? Who will he pick ?

- - - End of Chapter 3. - - -

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