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⚠️READ THIS CHAPTER WITH CAUTION⚠️: Mentions of biting the curb.

Kheneen and Isacc watch the conflict between Jeremiah and Nadia unfold.

N: "Not even that but you made fun of me when I was chubby. You made fun of me in groupchats, text, texted my MOTHER. TELLING HER TO BUY ME A GYM MEMBERSHIP ? AND YOU PUT PICTURES OF ME UP ON THE WALLS OF THE SCHOOL." Nadia stands up and slams her phone on her desk. The class is loud so nobody hears it.

J: "Look Nadia bro. We can just dead this . You still stuck on stuff from 3-4 years ago.
N: "Nah. Nah bro. Don't pull that shit wit me bro. I never did anything to you. You bullied me since the 9th grade. Why? What did I do to you? What did I do to you to hate me so much?"
J: .
N: "You forced me to fight you. You beat my ass, You called my mama, tormented me why?"
J: ..
N: "Even when I started going to the gym, you still bullied me. Why?."
J: ...
N: "Hm. Okay."
Isacc and Kheneen were to stunned to speak.
Nadia goes on her phone and starts to cry a bit.
Jeremiah sits on his phone scrolling through instagram quietly.
Kheneen goes on his phone and text him

K: whyd you do all that to this lil girl.. shes so nice..
J: my sister has beef w her so i felt like i had to as well .
J: its like u and london if she had beef w someone u would have beef w them to right?
K: well yeah i would've nvm
K: but she was like the first person i talked to
J: its coo if u fwh i dont mind
K: are u sure?
J: yeah go ahead
K: okk
Kheneen and Jeremiah text the whole class. The bell rings and everyone leaves.

N: "Hey.. I'm sorry if that made you view me differently.."
K: "No. It's fine. It was just bottled up feelings I understand!"
N: "Okay.. Thank you Kheneen.." She hugs him
K: Kheneen hugs her back.
N: "Alright! It's lunch time! Ill be on my way! Bye Kheneen!"
K: "Bye Nadia!"

J: "Hm. Sometimes I regret bullying her. But what she did to my sister was unforgivable." They start walking to there spot for lunch.
K: "What did she do? You don't have to tell me if you dont want to."
J: "It's fine. Soo basically. She stole $6,000 from my sister cause they use to be friends, but Nadia was faking being her friend for 7 years and only used her for clothes, money, and food. Then one day she sent all her money to her then wanted to say it was her other best friend. She dropped her best friend. Best friend of my sister who she dropped then bullied her with other people, forcing her to leave this school."
K: "That's.. Oh my gawod.. That's so.."
J: "Yeah. But I don't trip. Oh! There go everyone! lets go!"
K: "Alright!.."
Kheneen looks to see Reggie, Legynd, Jordyn, London, Braylon, Isacc, Marlee, and Ava all talking.
As they get closer they all see that Reggie is leading the conversation.
R: "Broo . That nigga Dayshaun got me so pissed offff bro. I want to swinggg. I need a recorder can one of yall come??? Cause we fighting as soon as we get off the bus."
M: "I got you."
K: "I'll go to."
L: "Uhh. No you not ? We going straight home. We don't know where we-."
K: Kheneen puts his index finger over London's mouth. "Girl. Shut up we will get picked up by Daniel anyway I'll ask him if we can go."
L: "Mm. Alright.."
After lunch. They go through all the day, and its now dismissal. Kheneen and London walk up to Reggie and Marlee.
K: "So.. Words still the same?"
M: "Yeah, apparently hes already there.. So we was gon get on the bus now.
K: "Okay.. Whats the address?"
R: "Good Pvssy Drv."
K: "Okay, Ill tell Daniel to go there now. We'll see y'all there."
London and Reggie walk to the car rider line see Daniel and get in the car.
D: "Alright.. So Good Pvssy Drv.. I know where that is... I hate mess but I love me a good fight."
K: "Alrightt! Ooo I'm so excited!"
They drive to the location and they see Dayshaun there ready with two boys wearing black. Dayshaun has a wifebeater, shorts, and forces on. His only mistake was leaving his hair out.
The bus drops off Reggie and Marlee, Isacc follows Them both with their phones out.
D: "Alrigh, you guys can get out.."
London and Kheneen walk near the park where the two were meeting with their phones in their hands.
Daniel sits in the car scoping for police. Reggie is wearing his school outfit. with a swim cape on .

Dayshaun pulls his pants up and squares up, Reggie runs up and throws first punch to his face. connecting, causing him to lose a bit of balance, Reggie then punches his stomach, causing him to hunch over holding his stomach. Reggie pulls his hair dragging him, and starts uppercutting him. and drags him to the ground and starts kicking him. While this was going on, Marlee was hyping him up. Reggie picks up Dayshaun and knees his nose causing it to break and start bleeding. He starts to punch his eye making it black. Nobody has stopped it. Reggie then drags his head to the curb of the road .

L: "Wait.. Is he about to make him.. I can't look at that I'm sorry.." London puts down her phone and pushes her head into Kheneen's chest.
K: "What? What's wrong??"
M: "YEAH R- Wait. Reggie. Reggie. REGGIE STOP."
R: "Nah. Nah."
Marlee trys to grab Reggie but he pulls his shoulder black. Reggie pushes his mouth on the curb and Bayonetta kicks his head into the curb. Everyone was in shock. Dayshaun starts to cry as his teeth shatter and blood drips on the floor. Reggie leaves and walk towards Kheneen.
K: "Is that cho dad or sum? Can I get a ride." He says taking his swim cape off and shaking his hair
Kheneen's eyes widen as he sees reggies bloody fist.
K: "Ahem. Let me. Ask him."
Kheneen walks away from Reggie with his phone in his hand. his hand shaking and body feeling cold.
Daniel rolls down the window lauging with his mouth covered.
K: "Can um. Reggie get a ride. Back to his house."
D: "Yeah! Thats the boy w that hair right?? Tell him come on!"
K: "Okay."
Kheneen wonders if this was the right move to come to the school.
K: "He. He said yes."
R: "Why you so nervous ? What's up with chu?"
K: "Nothing."
R: "Mm. Alright" London uncovers here eyes to see Dayshaun laying down in a ball position crying.
L: "Oh my g.." She turns away running to Daniel's car.
L: "Daniel can we go.." London starts to shake slightly
D: "Oh yeah. I'm just waiting for that short boy and your brother."
L: "Wait we're picking him up? Oh.. Okay.."
D: "Yeah. You're brother asked and you know I could never say no to your brother.." He starts to glance at Jeremiah from the window as him and Reggie walk in the car.
R: "Thank you for taking me, sir."
D: "Its all good, also you dont gotta call me sir, I'm like 2-3 years older then y'all.
R: "Oh. Alright."
D: "Now where do you stay?"
R: "Her let me type it in.... Okay here."
D: "Alright. Lets go."
They drive to Reggie's house, London was staring at Reggie the whole time. Reggie on his phone posting things and going on his Instagram notes. Kheneen looks at the window think about the Dayshaun and Jeremiah.

-2 minutes later-

D: "Alright. We here my boy."
R: "Alright, Preciate it. I'll see y'all tomorrow ."
London shakes her head deleting the video of the fight.
K: "Bye Reggie."
D: "Alright now back to my pleace, I'm tired."

-5 minutes later-

They enter the house and Kheneen walks upstairs taking off his shoes and putting them in his closet. London goes in her room and does the same trying to take her mind off the fight. A couple minutes later, Kheneen hears a knock on his door.

K: "Come in!"
Daniel enters the room and looks at Kheneen
D: "Sooo what did you want to tell me?"
K: "Oh right. Uhm"
D: "Rightt.."
K: "So. I started talking to this boy today at school. And um. Were kind of .. locked in."
Daniel heard those words causing his heart to drop and feel broken. He lowers his head down and turns to exit the room.
D: "Type shit." He exits the room covering his face.
K: "Daniel wait!" He gets up from his bed and opens the door. "I- Where'd he go.."
K: "Got damn it! Why did I say that. How am I going to fix this..

- - - End of chapter 5.- - -

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