Chapter 12~ Told ya'

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     The ride to wherever Connor's going seems longer than expected and I'm strapped to his back like a baby koala and I'm guessing he's having the time of his life speeding down the road without a care in the world. Honestly if I didn't have this helmet on I probably would be as bald as Mr. Baldwin because my hair would have taken flight off my head due to the speed he's moving with.

"Can you slow down?" My voice wavered as I spoke and I'm not sure if Connor heard me because he didn't slow down.


"Yeah babe?"

"Slow down" Honestly I care too much about my life instead of the nickname Connor just picked up from nowhere.

Or you secretly love it when he calls you babe.
I ignored the voice in my head with a silent groan.

"Ok" He said and I noticed he was going at a safer speed.

"Thanks" I said but he didn't reply and something keeps telling me he's smirking.

"Where are we going by the way?" I suddenly asked noticing that he's driving further towards some forest and I've been clinging to him and inhaling his hypnotizing cologne to notice that he's heading somewhere dangerous.

Stupid Jasmine.

"Uh- it's a surprise" He replied and I rolled my eyes.. It's only a surprise when it's something I don't like.

He rode for another four to five minutes before we hopped off the bike. Actually he hopped off gracefully while I stumbled off and almost fell face first to the ground.

"You should have waited for me to get you off" Connor said and I snorted

"What's this now?, Some act of chivalry?" I took off the helmet before handing it to Connor.

"So what if it is?" He replied with a smirk collecting the helmet from me.

"It might shock you but chivalry died the moment you were born" I replied and he gasped dramatically.

"That hurts right here babe" He said with a pout with his hand over the left side of his chest. It looked so real at first but the smirk that crawled on his face seconds later ruined the whole act.

"So why did you bring me here?" I asked as he kept the helmet safely on the motorcycle's handle before walking away, why is he leaving his motorcycle out here? Isn't something going to like steal it?.
  He didn't reply but he kept walking over fallen trees and I trailed behind looking around seeing nothing but trees and ... a squirrel?.

   I kept looking at the squirrel as it ran up a tree and quite unfortunately I didn't notice Connor had stopped walking and I collided into his back.

"Ouch, what gives?" I asked rubbing lightly on my nose glaring at the back of his head.
  He turned around to stare at me with a smile... Wait! A smile?
I have a bad feeling about what he's going to say next.

"You ready to see your surprise?" He asked like a father talking to his kid and I glared at him.

"Is this the part where you turn into a wolf and howl? Or you ask me if I know what you are and then ask me to say it out loud" I replied and he furrowed both brows in confusion for a while probably thinking about what I said and then I saw realization slowly creep into his eyes.

"What the--?" He burst into a fit of laughter and I rolled my eyes waiting for him to stop.

"You really have too much supernatural shit going on in that small head of yours. So you think I'm Edward Cullen now? Or a werewolf?. Damn! Jasmine you never cease to amaze me" He continued laughing and something clicked, does the very famous bad boy watch chick movies?

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