Chapter 22~ What the -

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    "You ready?" Rosie asked grinning like a Cheshire cat.

    "Hell yeah" I said and we high fived before walking into class. Everyone started flooding in and soon enough Courtney walked in with a smirk as she passed my table and I smirked back as well.

You really don't know what's coming for you girl.

Everyone sat down and Connor walked by my chair , he stopped and bent to whisper in my ear.

"Meet me at the library during lunch break" He said and went to his seat.
Rosie turned to stare at me with an arched brow but I dismissed her saying it's nothing special.

    Mrs Willows, our English teacher walked in with a scowl, two things about Mrs Willows, firstly she never smiles, no one knows how Mrs Willows looks like with a smile on her face which got me thinking if she actually smiled on her wedding day.
Or maybe she just hates her job that's why the scowl keeps growing deeper on her face. Who knows?..
Secondly, she owns two kids and lives not far away from school. I would love to see her kids and ask them if they've ever seen their mom smile. But sadly our very own English teacher is so secretive that it took us years to know she was actually married with two kids.

"So I'm guessing all of you are aware of the fact that we are approaching the middle of the term and your  review tests will commence soon" She began but got no response from anyone, just blank stares and total deafening silence.

"Anyways we will be pairing each of you for a project because apparently most of you need it for your grades,this term's project will be _"

Groans were suddenly heard and her glare silenced them at once.

Courtney raised a hand up
"Ms. Brims, what is it you have to say?" Mrs Willows said.

"So how many people are you pairing together?" She asked.

"It's two people Ms. Brims" She answered curtly and went on to explain how to go about it and when we are to turn in our project.

"I already have a list of each pair and I'll be calling their names out now, Laura and Nick, Next is Rosie and Xavier,Courtney and Chris, Connor and Jasmine" She paused and looked at the class,
"What is it Ms. Brims?" She asked with her famous scowl.

"Do we get to switch partners?" Cortney questioned and Mrs Willows scowl deepened.

"No Ms. Brims, you don't get to switch partners" She replied and went back to reading out her list.

    English class was over soon enough and everyone began getting out their seats.
I watched Courtney get on her feet and almost immediately someone called her name.

"What is it?"

"You're stained"

"What do you mean?"  She furrowed both brows in confusion.
   Her friend pulled her by the arm and whispered into her left ear.

Courtney's eyes slowly widened and soon her eyes were as wide as saucers and her hands were over her mouth with her face so red, it probably put a tomato to shame.
         She sat back on the chair in a hurry and she had gained enough attention with the looks from around her.
"What are you all staring at?!!!" She yelled and some snickered.

"Why did you put on white?" Someone whispered.

"I-its not supposed to be anytime soon, I-I don't know how this happened" She replied and I got on my feet, Rosie did same.

I walked to Courtney's table and she glared at me.

"What do you want?" She asked through gritted teeth.
"Just wanted to see how you're doing, oh you look a little red on the face, any problem?" I smirked and her glare intensified.

"I don't need you checking on me, now beat it!" She replied fiercely and I chuckled.

"If you say so Courtney" I turned to walk off but stopped with only the side of my face in her view.

"And oh, incase you are hoping for a change of outfits, unfortunately you've got smoothie all over them in your locker" I added and continued on my way out of class.

"You BI---" I walked out just before she could complete her statement.

"That was so evil of us Jassy" Rosie said before chuckling in what she calls her evil chuckle signature.

"You know that sounds as ridiculous as your last year Halloween costume" I said and she scoffed.

"Oh puh-leez, my Halloween costume last year was the best, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're super jelly"

"You dressed up as a rat, how's that the best?" I deadpanned.

"Hey! For the last time it's an hamster and it's not ridiculous. Jeez can't you see the cuteness I see?."

"No I don't, cuz it was a rat" I replied drily.

"You have really got to sit down and let me lecture you about rats and hamsters, cuz you're totally missing the fact that rats are different from hamsters and hamsters are really adorable."
   She said looking serious as we both approached my locker, seems like she doesn't want to let me win this argument, then again when has she ever let me or anyone win an argument with her.
"You wore a rat Halloween costume and it wasn't cute or adorable Rosie,and the guy at that store was a con man"

She fake gasped and I rolled my eyes at the drama queen.

"You really are oblivious of the fact that hamsters are cute. I think I should get you a hamster as a pet" I punched in my locker combination and placed in the books with me.

"You would be making a big mistake my dear friend, don't you remember sir Goldie?"
I said and she snickered.

"Do you mean sir Goldie the first or sir Goldie the thirty fourth?" I scowled at her reply.

"Can you be any louder? I'm dead meat if my mom finds out about sir Goldie" I replied with a heavy sigh as I took out the books for my last class before lunch break. I'm having biology and Rosie's having history.

"Well it's a lot more complicated now cuz your mom doesn't know you've replaced sir Goldie thirty three times because you always forget to feed the goldfish" She said and I shut my locker, I suddenly realized that I forgot to feed the goldfish again and my face paled.

"From the look on your face, I'll say we start going to a pet shop for a new Goldfish cuz we just lost one to hunger and someone's forgetfulness" She said and I jabbed her in the side with my elbow.

"It's not funny" I said through gritted teeth.

"I never said it was" she said and chuckled.

"I just hope he's not dead" I said with another sigh and she threw me a knowing look.

"Ok maybe he should be hanging on to life when I get home" I said again but she still had that silly look on her face.

"Do you have to be such a pessimist?" I grunted out and she smirked.

"I'm just being realistic Jassy, anyways gotta go before I'm late to class" She said and I playfully glared at her as she walked away.

"See you later rat" I said to spite her and she huffed.

"See you later goldfish killer" She replied and kept heading to her class.

Well I better hurry up now before Mr Lynch gets to class.

I walked into the class and sat down, shortly after, Mr Lynch walked in.

"Today we'll be having a review on past topics. Ms. Watterson come out and give a summary of our first topic"

Me?. Wait!  Me?!!!!

"What the —"

I  could swear a tiny smirk appeared on his face for a brief moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2024 ⏰

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