Chapter 17~ Just great.

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       If anyone told me a few weeks back that I'll be breaking into school at this time of this hour or at any hour at all, I'll probably just pat them on the head and advise they see a psychiatrist ASAP.

Because Jasmine Watterson would never think of doing so, but quite unfortunately here I am walking along the lockers in the hallway as quietly as possible heading for the principal's office.

My leg accidentally hits the locker and a loud thud echoed along the hallway .


"Could you be any louder Jasmine?" Connor muttered sarcastically in front of me and I rolled my eyes still trailing behind him.

"Actually yes I could. Want me to try?" I said with a smirk and I heard him groan.

"Bro did you really have to bring this ray of sunshine along?"

"Well it's the only way I could get her to shut her mouth about us coming here" Jake replied from behind me and I scoffed.

"All you had to do was ask me not to tell or better still bribe me, not drag me on this escapade" I grumbled bitterly as we reached the door.

"Pssh... You're too much of a goody two shoes, bringing you along gives us a leverage, and besides I really want to throw some mud on that perfect student record you've got." Connor turns to me as he said that with a wicked grin wide on his face.

"Just shut and say you're jealous of me Connor" I scowled at him as reached for the door knob.

Jasmine, face it, that was a really lame comeback.

Well you are the brain you should have thought of something better.

I can't believe I'm having an inner argument with my brain...
I think I should be the one to see  psychiatrist ASAP.

"What's there to be jealous about?" He asked as he opened the door and we entered.

      I don't get called into the principal's office frequently  so it's no wonder why I scowl even more as we walked in, the thought of breaking is is both thrilling and makes me a tad bit guilty.

     "So let me get this straight , instead of attending classes ,paying attention to them and reading the notes. Which pretty much seems like the easier way to me. You decide to break into the principal's office and change your grades after a major test" I said watching Connor log into the computer, I wonder how he got the password because Mrs Payne wouldn't give it to him just like that.

"Your point exactly?" He stated in a bored tone as he typed furiously on the keyboard.

"Why can't you just take the easier way like everyone else does?" He threw a quick glance at me before continuing what he's doing on the computer.

" You see that's where you are wrong, I'm not everyone else and the easier way is boring. What fun is there in sticking your nose in a book all day or listening to someone slowly drain life out of you with long boring classes."

Jake just stood by too concentrated on whatever Connor is doing. With a click of my tongue and I rolled my eyes I replied.

"Don't be such a drama queen Connor"

"You're the one to talk"

"And when have I ever been a drama queen?"

"You really want me to tell you?" He asked with a devilish smirk and I saw a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Damn you Connor!.
"That was one time Connor... One time !"I said bringing my index finger up.

"Dude remember that time when Jasmine freaked out on us a day after Halloween?" Connor asked Jake and I could see them trying to contain their hysteria with the way Jake hunched over and Connor's eyes looked watery.

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