viii. burn

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My mouth parts in surprise. My words falter. 

I'm aware of all the club's patron's eyes on us. Judging and questioning our relationship, the white-haired daughter of Night and the Autumn High Lord. But Eris does not seem bothered. He stands before me, the flashing lights of the club illuminating his red hair, and simply smiles curiously down at me as if he isn't surprised to see me at all.

"I was meeting a friend," I stammer out an explanation, praying to the Cauldron that he didn't see Azriel, "But they never showed. I was just about to leave,"

Eris smirks, showing pointed, white teeth, and tilts his head, "Why? It is early in the night. Come join me, I'm here with your brother,"

I look back towards the door before looking at the High Lord again, "I really should get going. I'm not supposed to be out,"

Eris's eyes flash with amusement, "Naughty, you snuck out didn't you?"

My cheeks redden, "Please Lord, my brother will tell my parents I'm out and I'll get in a lot of trouble,"

"Nonsense," Eris bends down and takes my hand in his. My hand is dwarfed by his long, slender fingers. He flashes me his dazzling smirk, "Do not worry, I will not let my future wife get into any trouble,"

I give the door Azriel left out one last look. Seeing no other choice, I nod at Eris. He gives me a pleased smile as he pulls me through the crowd and towards an exclusive booth at the back of Rita's. His hand burns as it holds mine. It must be a part of his powers. Eternally warm. It is so different from Azriel's coldness. I do not know which I prefer.

As we reach the booth, I see my brother. He sits with a group of two male faes and two females. The females are draped under his arms, looking up at him with adoration and desire. The males sit on the other side of the booth, chugging back glasses that froth with beer. When they see me with Eris, they fall into silence.

My brother has a worse reaction. His face falls as he spies me. His hands drop from around the females as he leans on the table and glares from me to Eris, "What are you doing here? I told you to stay home,"

Before I can explain myself, Eris drapes his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. He smells of maple and freshly cut grass. His body is warm against mine as he grips me tightly.

"She is my guest, Nyx, and as she is my future wife, she is welcome to join us," Eris smirks at my brother. Flashing his two pointed teeth that so closely resemble fangs, he adds, "And you will not go telling your darling parents. I will not forget it if you get her in trouble,"

My brother clenches his jaw. He looks away. Leaning back into his seat, the females coddle back up to him. He waves a hand in dismissal, "Whatever. But you can look after her. I'm otherwise preoccupied,"

Eris looks down at me. He winks, "Thirsty? I have wine at the table,"

I keep quiet as the High Lord pulls me into the booth next to the two males. They are handsome, and as with Eris, much older than I am. They look at the Lord curiously as he hands me a cup and fills it with a dark, red liquid. But he pays them no heed. His attention is on me. His dark brown eyes focus on my lips as I bring the cup up and taste it.

"Do you like it? I bought it from the Autumn Court. It is produced from handpicked grapes and infused with maple," Eris murmurs.

I take another sip and nod. He smiles, content, and looks at the two males seated beside him. He gestures to the one next to him, "This is Luca," he points to the other, "And that is Drane, they are my guards,"

My eyebrows pull together, "You drink with your guards?" How informal. 

Eris shakes his head with a smile, "I do not drink. But I've allowed them the pleasure of having a beer each, just for tonight, to celebrate our future union,"

A Court of Spark and Shadow; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now