xxiii. bleed.

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I am the last to enter the dining room for breakfast.

As I enter, the chatter diminishes to hum as heads swivel toward me. The High Lords sit, each tall and achingly handsome, around the large wooden table. Beside Kallias, a new face peers at me. His beloved, Viviane. Her hair is as white as mine, but her eyes are blue instead of colorless. Her smile is weary as she sits up in her chair and eyes me. A chill rushes across my bare arms.

I suddenly wish I had worn something more modest. I feel exposed in my light, thin dress as I approach the table. As I slide into the only empty seat between Viviane and Tarquin, my eyes rise and meet the mischievous gaze of the Lord occupying the head of the table.

The rising sun paints a picture of beauty behind him. Rays of umber light flicker around him, illuminating his red hair and tanned, muscular skin. His mouth twists into a smirk as his eyes run down my face, lowering to my breasts. The dark look in his eyes has me wiggling in my seat, heat blossoming between my legs. The events of last night come whirring back to me - sex, so much of it, and everywhere. When I had finally escaped to my quarters, my legs were numb, and I was seeing stars. And since he and the Spymaster had confessed that we were mates, the orgasms had been stronger than ever before.

With just a look, the High Lord has me near breathless.

But before I can launch myself onto the table and climb atop him, the doors to the dining room swing open once more.

Pure darkness covers the room in a blanket of dampening dread as my parents stalk inside. Star-flecked and gorgeous, their powerful eyes roam across the table, stopping at me.

"Belladonna, get up, you're coming home," my mother orders, tone unflinching.

My mouth parts in surprise. Around the table, the High Lords remain still, assessing the growing scene.

I stand from the table but do not move toward my parents. My voice is calm as I lift my chin and say, "The Autumn Court is my home now, Mother."

My parents bristle. My mother's beautiful face contorts into a scowl as she looks down at Eris. Lounged back in his chair, he simply smirks at her.

"Azriel has informed us of what transpired last night," she snarls, lethal, "Not only have you been hosting meetings behind our back-" her dark eyes narrow at the High Lords around the table, "-but you also put our daughter in danger. Tamlin almost took her, straight from under your nose,"

Eris tilts his head. Before he can respond, I say, "But he didn't take me. Tarquin got there before anything happened." I try for a convincing smile as I add, "I'm perfectly fine."

Beside me, Tarquin inclines his head at my parents. My mother's scowl only deepens. Beside her, my father straightens the lapels of his black jacket as he addresses the table.

"Why did any of you presume it was a clever idea to invite Tamlin to your covert meeting?" my father tilts his head as the ends of his lips flicker upward, "I know this is a meeting of the shortcoming and bruised egos, but I thought you all more clever than this,"

Kallias sits up. His stare is ice cold as he pulls back his top lip, "Watch your mouth, Rhysand,"

My father smirks widely at the challenge. "Or what? You'll ban me from your boy's club?" he pouts mockingly before his gaze hardens. "I'm afraid I have better things to do than sit around comparing the size of-"

"Tamlin was invited as a test," Eris interrupts suddenly. Smooth and slow, he stands from the table. "I had heard wind of his new alliance, however, I had to hear it firsthand to ensure the rumors held merit,"

My mother frowns as she looks at him. "His alliance?"

Eris raises his eyebrows in surprise. Looking between my parents, their faces devoid of what he speaks of, the Autumn Lord smirks. "I knew you were both ignorant, but I did not know that the ignorance ran so deep."

A Court of Spark and Shadow; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now