xxii. thrice.

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Super inappropriate chapter! It's skippable, so please do so now if heavy intimacy isn't for you!

I am still weak when we enter Eris's office.

The fireplace has been lit, delicately warming and lighting the small room. By the fire, Tarquin stands straight-backed. His eyes lift to mine as I enter the room behind the Shadowsinger. Across the room, perched on the windowsill, the white-haired and blue-eyed High Lord of Winter, Kallias, turns to look at us. His face is older and softer, although his eyes hold an ancient intelligence that is piercing. The two High Lords are silent as the door shuts behind us, sealing the room away from the ball in a deepening quiet.

Eris stalks to his office chair. He sits, places his elbows on his wooden desk, and runs his long fingers through his messy hair. With a sigh, he looks up at the occupants of the room, "I want him dead,"

Tarquin turns from the fireplace. His voice is soft as he inclines his head and says, "I despise the male, but unfortunately, he has no heir. We can not kill him,"

Eris pulls back his top lip, showing sharp teeth, and clenches his fists atop his desk. His voice is a snarl as he says, "Tamlin must pay for his treachery. He plans to aid Keir in revolting against the Courts," the High Lord looks at me, still standing by the door, and fury alights his brown eyes, "He tried to rape Belladonna - he must pay,"

Behind Eris, the Shadowsinger emerges from the darkness. His handsome, stony face is alight with anger as he stands behind the High Lord. He clenches his jaw.

Kallias makes a low noise in the back of his throat as his blue eyes move to me, "I agree. If his filthy hands had touched my Viviane, I would want retribution. Not to mention that he has admitted his treason. He is not fit to be High Lord,"

Tarquin hums, "Before we make a decision, we must meet with the other High Lords - Night in particular,"

Eris sighs, "If we must," his expression darkens, "We need to find and deal with Tamlin before he can crawl into a rabbit hole and hide like the coward he is,"

From behind the High Lord, Azriel says, "I will write to Rhysand in the morning."

Kallias stands. Rolling back his shoulders, he lets out a tired sigh, "I'm afraid I must retire for the night. Viviane is asleep in our quarters, and the events of this evening have me feeling riled," his cold eyes look at me before he walks to the door. His white hand upon the handle, he turns back to look at Eris.

His voice is solemn as he says, "The ball, for the most part, was splendid, Eris. I am glad we were briefly able to talk trade. I will see you all in the morning for breakfast."

With that, the Winter Lord inclines his head and leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him. Eris was kind enough to allow each High Lord a sleeping quarter for the night. I squirm in the corner of the room. Would Tamlin have come to my room if he hadn't acted on his rage and stayed? Would he have taken me there and stolen me away in the night? Bile rises into my mouth at the imagery that plagues my mind.

"The ball was truly splendid, Eris. I am sorry for Tamlin's actions. Although, I am not surprised by them," Tarquin says as he looks back to the roaring fire. It crackles and flickers. The High Lord's dark skin shines in the orange light.

"He should never have been invited," comes a stone-cold voice from the shadows. Azriel moves out from behind Eris. He moves so that he stands across from Tarquin. His raven wings are so large they dwarf the small office.

A Court of Spark and Shadow; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now