xiii. murder

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When I wake up, I'm back in my bedroom in the forest house. I'm warm, the blankets have been tucked up to my chin and I've been undressed. I shift and my back aches in pain. As I sit up, I lift my gaze. And freeze.

"How are you feeling?" the Spymaster asks quietly. At the same time, the High Lord says, "Finally, you're awake."

I blink. Behind Azriel and Eris, the sky is still bright. How long have I been unconscious? I look back at the Spymaster, who stands as straight as a post to the left of my bed. He has changed clothing into his signature midnight black tunic and pants. On the other side of the bed, Eris sits in a chair, long legs crossed out in front of him. He leans forward, his face scrunched in worry, as his dark brown eyes run over my body for any signs of pain. He, too, has changed his clothing. Leathers have replaced his simple tunic, although his sword is still at his side. Has he been out searching for more naga the entire time I was unconscious?

I sit up higher, pulling the sheets with me, and grimace as my back aches, "Sore," I grumble.

Azriel's hazel eyes flash with anger as he directs his furious gaze at the High Lord. Eris ignores the look as he exits his chair and walks toward me. Gently, he moves me so that he can look at the wound on my back. 

He lowers me back to the pillow with a sigh. "A healer has put an ointment on it and stitched up the worst of it. But it will take time to heal. A few days maybe,"

I nod and go to reply when Azriel snarls, "She wouldn't be hurt if that horse hadn't taken off."

Eris's head swivels to look at the fuming Spymaster. His voice is cold as he snaps, "That horse is the most placid horse I own. I don't know what set her off yesterday, but it was an unexplainable oversight,"

"And the naga?"

"Again, another puzzling error. I had the Great Forest searched days before you arrived."

"Clearly, not well enough," Azriel says, tone as frigid as ice. His shadows dance and writhe around him, itching for justice.

"Clearly," Eris snarls back.

"Is Lily alright?" I interject quietly. Their eyes whip to me, both hazel and brown and concerned.

Eris nods. "Yes, she was uninjured, thanks to you," he smiles softly. "She seems to have taken a liking to you. She stayed by you even when the naga appeared."

I smile back. "She protected me."

Eris leans forward and grips my hand. He brings it to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on the top, he says against my skin, "Then she is yours. Consider her an early wedding gift,"

My cheeks redden as he lowers my hand and lounges back in his chair. In the corner of my eye, I can see and feel Azriel. His gaze is unfathomable, hazel eyes wide with a burning, possessive anger as his shadows tighten around his chest. I look at him—his jaw clenches.

"I think you should also know that your parents were told of the attack," Eris interjects, breaking my gaze away from the fuming Spymaster. The High Lord's words settle into my mind and dread fills my gut. He sees the annoyance that must be written all over my face and shrugs slightly. "They want to come and visit you at the end of the week. I will host a reception in their honor."

"I don't want them to visit," I glower. Sinking into the soft pillows of the bed, I watch the tops of the red trees outside as they sway in the breeze—anything to avoid looking at the two men who fill too much space in my bedroom.

"They voiced their enthusiasm. They haven't visited my Court in many decades," Eris explains, voice tightening.

A bird flutters past. It is red, with orange wings so bright they look like they're on fire. "What a pity for them," I mutter.

A Court of Spark and Shadow; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now