Inroduction- Hero

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The battle was long and brutal, but finally, after defeating Cia, the evil sorceress, and Ganondorf, the legendary dark weilder of the Triforce of power, the kingdom of Hyrule was safe once again. The one who stopped the chaos was considered a "Hero", and was written down in the history of hyrule as one of the greatest achivements of all time. It took about 2 years to fix the damages due to the epic battle and for everyone to finally feel safe again. It was all thanks to hyrules own princess, Zelda. She was a princess for 18 years, and took great care of her kingdom, but she didn't do it alone. Thanks to her caretaker and guardian Impa and the Newly named Hero of Hyrule, she was now able to do so better than ever. This so called "Hero" goes by the name of Link, and it is thanks to him and the power of the Triforce of courage that he was able to
rescue Hyrule. The young man clad in the green tunic defended hyrule as a knight in training at one point, and is now on the front lines, defeating any evil that comes his way. It has been like this since ganondorfs outbreak, some still believe that the kingdom should be destroyed and attempt to accomplish this goal by attacking the kingdom and the surrounding villages, but hyrulean forces put a stop to it every time. But there was always a hint of some disturbing presence...

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