Chapter 5- Blue Flame

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"Hmm, so it looks like she has amnesia. So you don't remember where you came from or who you are?" Riku said while rubbing his chin back and fourth. "N-no. I just remember waking up in that bed earlier, and that strange dream i had with that girls voice..." The girl with the red highlight said with an upset tone. " 'She doesn't know anymore...' Huh? Do you think she was talking about you?" Sora said while trying to copy Riku. "Im not su-" The girl suddenly froze in place. The trio stared at her worriedly. "A-are you ok?!" Kairi panicked. "...W-who said that?" The girl spoke. "S-said what?" Sora said with a confused look. "I heard a voice just now. It said 'Your name is Ryuko'." She said. "W-what? Well it couldn't have been us. Was it that voice from your dream?" Kairi stuttered. "N-no, it was...deeper, it was definitely a guys voice." The girl said while staring back and fourth between Riku and Sora. "Its possible that something might have triggered your memory. But at least now we have something to call you. Its nice to meet you Ryuko." Riku said looking at the girl with a smile. "I hope we can be friends, and don't worry, were gonna do everything we can to help you get your memory back Ryuko!" Sora grew a large smile and held out his hand. She looked back and fourth before hesitantly reaching out to shake the boys hand. "T-thank you..." She said blushing while shaking Sora's hand. "In that case, i think we should bring her to the king. Theres a good chance that he knows what world she came from, or at the very least maybe the queens healing would help." Riku heaved a sigh. "Well then what are we waiting for? Lets go right now! Im sure the king wouldn't mind too much." Sora said putting his hands behind his head, a wide grin growing across his face. "How exactly do you plan to get to the castle?" Kairi said mockingly. Sora then jumps off the tree he was sitting on and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small red capsule with a button on top. Everyone tilts their head in confusion. "How is that supposed to get us to the castle Sora?" Riku said sounding slightly bothered. "Oh this isn't." Sora then presses the button and chucks the capsule towards the sea. Suddenly, a massive cloud of smoke appeared in the air. Once the smoke dispersed, it revealed a flying ship made of enormous shapes with a wide array of colors. "You think Donald and Goofy would leave without giving me a way to see them again?" Sora rubs his nose in a mocking fashion. "So this is a Gummi Ship huh? The kings mentioned them to me before but I've never seen one in person. Looks like you guys thought everything through." Riku said fascinated with the ship. "We have to fly there? How far away is this castle?" Ryuko asked. "Its only a few worlds away, we should be there in under an hour." Riku replied. "W-worlds?!?! Are we flying through space?!" Ryuko panicked. "Yeah but don't worry, its not as scary as you think, trust us!" Sora said grabbing Ryuko's shoulders. He began to push her towards the ship, and everyone followed closely behind. They entered the ship and looked around, impressed with the interior. It was bigger than it looked from the outside and was very roomy. Riku walked directly towards the front. He stops and looks at the gauge next to the panels in front of him. "What does the S and H stand for?" Riku asked. "Oh...i almost forgot about that. S for 'sad' and H for 'happy'. This ship basically runs on smiles...hehe..." Sora laughed awkwardly as everyone gave him strange looks. "Faces like those aren't gonna get us to the castle anytime sooner." Sora forced a wide grin across his face. "Sigh, alright lets get this over with." Riku clenched his fist and forced a grin almost as wide as Sora's and Kairi followed. Ryuko looked around, slightly scared of her surroundings. The needle on the gauge began to pointing towards the H rapidly, and the ship began to rise. The thrusters began to rumble, and blue flames burst out. The ship shot into the sky with incredible speed, not visible to the naked eye.

"Ugh, my face feels like its gonna explode." Sora said while rubbing his cheeks. "Seriously whose idea was it to design a ship like this?!" Kairi exclaimed also rubbing her cheeks. "Whatever the case, were finally here. We should hurry and find the king." Riku said as he stood from the co-pilots seat. The gang walked out of the ship into the Gummi hangar. Ryuko looked around with wide eyes, amazed at the sight of huge gears surrounding the walls and floors. The group walked up a flight of stairs that led to a large grassy plain on the outside. There were large, grassy statues surrounding the tiny round area. The group then looks up at the ginormous white castle towering over everything. "W-woah, this is the Castle?!" Kairi shrieked. "Yup, pretty cool huh?" Sora said.  "Wow, this place is incredible." Ryuko said staring intently at the large castle. "No use wasting out time out here. Lets get her inside." Riku says hastily. The gang walks towards a door located on the far right corner of the garden. The two boys push the large white doors inward, and is hit with a cool breeze of air. They walk up the red carpeted flight of stairs and find themselves in a long hallway leading to two different doors. On the righthand side in the middle of the hallway is two gigantic white doors, the other is a pair of brown doors at the very end of the hallway. "That door leads to the library, I doubt anyones in there. Come to think of it...where is everyone? The castle seems deserted! I didn't even see Chip & Dale in the gummi hangar, and they're the ones who normally guide the ships so they should have been there." Sora said scratching his head. "Thats a little odd. In that case, maybe we should split up and search the castle. Me and Ryuko will search the library, you and Kairi search the other room." Riku said. Sora and Kairi looked at Riku and giggled. "W-whats so funny?" Riku questioned. "Why'd you partner yourself with the new girl huh? Huuuuh?" Sora smirked. Kairi and Ryuko both giggled. "F-fine whatever then, Kairi comes with me then." Riku blushed. "Awww we were just kidding around Riku!" Kairi laughed. "Whatever, just come on." Riku said walking away. "H-hey wait up!" Kairi said chasing after Riku. "Well then, looks like its me and you Ryuko! Lets go take a look around then shall we?" Sora said. "Y-yeah." Ryuko hesitated. They walk to the front of the big doors in the middle of the hallway. "Woah, you'd have to be huge, or have some serious strength to open these doors!" Ryuko gasped. "Well yeah, if those were the actual doors." Sora said while kneeling to the ground. Ryuko tilted her head and gave him a questioned look. He then put his hand on the bottom left corner of the door on the right and pushed open a tiny door. "W-why is that door so small? Whats the point of having doors this big if THATS the entrance?" Ryuko questioned in a high pitch tone. "Don't ask me, i didn't create this place." Sora shrugged. Him and Ryuko then crawled through the abnormally tiny door and entered the next room. It was a large, and white. the red carpet continuing through the middle of the room all the way up to the throne. "Hmm, looks empty in here too." Sora rubbed his chin
"So what now then?" Ryuko asked. "There is actually one last place we can check." Sora said as he walked towards the throne chair at the far end of the room. "Only warriors of light..." He muttered to himself, then stuck his hand out towards the throne chair. Suddenly, a bright light appeared from under the small steps that the throne was sitting on. The throne then began to move, revealing a long stairway leading downward to another room. "This place is insane." Ryuko said with her jaw dropped. "Wow, i didn't think that would work." Sora smiled. "Well then, shall we?" They walked down the stairs, caution in every step. Their jaws drop to what they are presented with. It was another abnormally large room with a large ball in the middle of the room with a strange light shining in the middle. In front of the ball was two people, one of them in a long black coat, and silver hair running down the shoulder. The other was a slightly taller female. It was a blue eyed teenaged pale-skinned girl with long black hair tied in uneven ponytails, right one shorter than the left one. She wore a black jacket with white stripes going down both sleeves, and a white star on the left shoulder. She had on all black gloves on both of her hands. The jacket was covering a black string bikini, below her was a pair of black shorts and black boots with a similar pattern to her jacket. She was holding a small person with big ears by the neck in her right hand. "The-the king?! PUT HIM DOWN!!" Sora roared. "Well well well, i didn't think id be seeing either of you so soon. Guess i don't have to look for you anymore. Hehehehe." The hooded figure giggled. "Your voice...Y-you were the one from my dream..." Ryuko stuttered, shaking in place. "S-Sora....get..out of here..." The small person said, struggling, gasping for air. "Let the small fry live, were after this one in front of us." The hooded figure said. The blue eyed girl tossed the person she was holding aside, and stared directly at Sora with a gaze that would spoil milk. Suddenly, the girls left eye burst into a blue flame. She stuck her hand out and enormous black cannon appeared on her left arm and she aimed it directly at Sora and Ryuko. "Im going to ask this once nicely, come with us quietly, or suffer consequences. Id really like to refrain from hurting you...or your friends." The hooded figure says. The blue eyed girl then aimed the cannon towards the king. "KING MICKEY!!" Sora shouts. "Who are you? And what do you want?" Ryuko shouts. "Its no what, its whom. And who i want...

Is Sora.

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