Chapter 1- Presence

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The young hero was awoken by a knocking on the door of his home. He rises out of bed, hair messy and all. He puts on the slippers from under his bed and proceeds to the door. He opens it, and is confronted by a jogging man with a white shirt and shorts with a bunny symbol going across the chest. He also wore a red hat and carried a flag on his back with the same symbol. "Good morning, Mr.Link!" said the jogging man. Link rubs his eyes and waves. "I have a letter for you from the princess" He says. Link quickly stops and looks at the man with a surprised look. The man hands him a red envelope with the same symbol as the ones on the mans outfit. "Oh, and i actually have another letter for you, although...this one doesn't say who its from, but it was told to be delivered to you, so we figured you might know Mr.Link!" Link takes the envelope from the man, except this one is white with a symbol of what appeared to be a black star. "Well, have a nice day Mr. Link!" The man says as he begins jogging off. Link closes the door and proceeds to the nearest table and opens the letter from the princess first. The letter reads: "Link, please report to the castle immediately, there is something urgent i would like to discuss with you. -Zelda" Link was intrigued, the princess has never requested him in this way before. It also seemed quite urgent. Wasting no time, Link put on his green tunic, leather armbands, pants and Boots, Green hat and Scarf and prepared to leave. On his way out he decided to grab the other envelope that was delivered to him. He walks outside, saddles up Epona, and rides off into the grassy plain. After about an hour he finally arrives at the bridge of the town. 2 soldiers near the gate immediately notice Link and let down the drawbridge. After walking across a soldier stops the horse. "We will watch your horse for you sir" Link nods and steps off Epona. He strokes her hair before he continues to walk into town. Since the castle was located directly behind down, Link proceeded straight through. He noticed that the town seemed to be empty that morning, almost like it was deserted. He paid no mind to it considering it was quite early in the morning. Once passing through town, he noticed there were soldiers on the field close to the castle, and a gate which he had to proceed through. He walked up towards the gate and looked at the soldier who appeared to be the gate keeper. "Ahh master Link, the princess is expecting you" the armored soldier said. He opened the gate and allowed Link to pass. There were 2 guards waiting on the outside to escort the boy inside. After finally making it into the castle, he notices a staircase that goes very high up, and around for what seems like miles. Suddenly a waitress came over. "You must be Link, the Princess and Impa are awaiting you in the throne room." Link sighed in relief. He asked the waitress where the stairs led to. "Ahh, that leads to the rooms of the Princess and some extra rooms. Now, she requested that you are taken to her immediately so please come this way." The boy did as instructed. After proceeding down what seemed like a never ending hallway, they came across 2 doors which led to the throne room. "In you go Mr. Link" said the waitress before taking her leave. Hesitantly, Link pushed the two doors open. Awaiting him on the other side were two women. One of them was tall with pointy ears, much like Links. She had silver hair and a sheika tribe mark going across her eye and the armored part of her chest. She also carried a large katana on her back. The other was short with blond hair and she too had pointed ears. On her head was a sharp crown with a red gem located directly in the middle. Her dress bore the Hylian symbol in multiple areas. "Hello young man." said the tall woman. "You remember me right? I know, its been quite some time since we've last seen one another." Link nodded and said her name. "Thats right, Its Impa. Im glad you remembered. But now is not the time for reintroductions, we have important matters to attend to. Princess Zelda, if you would." The young lady arises out of her throne chair. "Thank you Impa" She walks over to Link and gives him a concerned look. "Link, we have received word from Princess Ruto." Link became shocked. He had not heard about The Zoras since the war against Ganondorf and Cia. Link noticed that Impa is even more shoked than he was. "But princess, i thought it was the Gorons that contacted for help!" She said with concern. "Yes, i meant to tell you this morning, but i thought this meeting would be a good a time as any" the princess said. "In both regions, Ive received reports of attacks in a similar fashion. Someone in a black robe appears in the middle of the night and attacks innocent citizens, and then disappears without a trace. This incident has occurred in the home of the Zoras as well as the Gorons. The perpetrator appears to be attacking kingdoms, but it appears they have missed this one for some strange reason. Whatever the case, I would like you to investigate this." Link nods in complete understanding. The Princess smiles. "Thank you Link, i know you wouldn't let me down. Now this may seem strange but I'm sending you to the Twilight Realm, its the only other kingdom I can think of that has not yet been attacked besides us. I have already contacted Princess Midna and warned her of the perpetrator as well as your arrival. She will have an entrance to the Twilight Realm ready for you on the Bridge of Eldin." Link gives the princess another look of understanding. Zelda then signaled one of the guards, he left and came back with a shield with the hylian symbol on it. "You remember this right? This is the Hylian sheild, capable of protecting its wielder of any attack whether it be physical or magical. I sense an overwhelmingly strange presence, so i would feel better if i knew you once again had this shield to keep you safe." Link takes the shield. He stares at the sheild, taking a second to fully realize what he has obtained. "Im sending you alone only because i know your the only one strong enough to handle this on your own. But remember, this is just an investigation. Only fight back when necessary, and try not to get yourself killed." Zelda says with hesitation. "Don't forget, you are going to need an offensive weapon as well" Impa says as she hands link a silver sword. "Unfortunately, the master sword is unavailable due to it keeping Ganondorfs power at bay once again." She says. Link once again nods in agreement. Link puts the sword and shield on his back and starts out of the castle. "Good luck my hero" Says Zelda "For I fear i don't know not what comes next..."

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