Chapter 11 - Crown

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*CLING* The clash of metal echoed throughout the large room as blade and shield collided. Suddenly, the blonde took an aggressive kick to the stomach. He was thrown back from the force, crashing violently into the ground. "Its clear to me now that both of you are no strangers to wielding blades, this however, cannot continue any longer. I shall give you one final chance to walk away." The armored woman stood tall, catching her breath in between words. "Sorry, but I don't think you're gonna get us to back down that easy." Sora picked himself off the ground, glaring at her with a grin. "Heh, you guys are brave, but foolish." She laughed slightly as she lifted her blade above her. The upward held sword began to shine, and suddenly sparked, becoming surrounded in bright blue electricity. Sora grew a look of worry on his face as he readied his weapon. Link stood off the ground, weapon and shield still in hand, waiting for the upcoming attack. With grace the woman leapt high into the air, and thrusted downwards towards the boys, tip of the blade first. They both barely avoided the crash as they jumped opposite ways. Smoke from the impact filled the room. The queen quickly dashed out from the clearing dust towards Sora at an alarming speed. Their weapons collided back to back, until it lead to a halt, a power struggle. Sora then released the key from the struggle, and swung. She jumped backwards, dodging the attack. Still airborn, she brought the sword behind her, and it started to flash even brighter. She swung twice, sending off two large waves of electricity towards him. "REFLECT" Sora yelled as he lifted his weapon towards the ceiling. A large blue transparent barrier surrounded him. The waves bounced off, and crashed into the walls, forming large holes. She landed swiftly on the ground in between the boys. They stood perfectly still. Link eventually let up his gaze on her, and turned his attention towards Sora, to whom he'd traded a very subtle nod with. Suddenly, with no warning, the boys both launched at her simultaneously, blades behind them ready to strike. The queen quickly readied her stance, and prepared for impact.

Sora spun, and landed swiftly with his hands behind him, one hand carrying his weapon, the other, holding the silver crown. He stood up straight, and turned to face Link. In his arms he appeared to be carrying an unconscious pale skinned woman with long silver hair in a white dress and short black boots. "Is she like that because we got the crown?" Sora walked over, analyzing the crown. The blonde shrugged, and then looked back down upon the young woman. "YAAAYYY!!!" A high pitched scream suddenly echoed through the room. The boys suddenly turned their attention towards Silvia skipping towards them. "I can't believe you guys actually did it!!" She leaped to hug Sora. "S-silvia? How'd you get here so fast?!" Sora replied, shocked. "Oh, I have this weird connection with my sis, whenever something bad happens, I can sense these kinds of things." She muffled, face buried in Sora's chest. She then quickly reached for the crown, and practically yanked it out of his hand. "Hehehehe..." She walked away with it, laughing maniacally to herself. Link and Sora traded worried glances between themselves before focusing on her once again. "Silvia?" Sora called out to her. She stood completely still, her back facing them, still staring down the crown.

"You guys are adorable dummies you know that?"

A large suspicious grin appeared on her face as she placed the crown on her head. Dust from the ground began to swirl as the castle started shaking. Silvia suddenly began to shine brightly as she was lifted high off the ground. The violent shaking continued, Link and Sora had clear trouble trying to keep their balance. Suddenly, the shaking ceased all at once. The floating, glowing Silvia began to descend. The glowing dispersed, revealing the hazel eyed woman once again, now with long black hair. Her outfit had transformed into a long dark red dress. "Ahhh, this day couldn't get any better." She raised her arms slowly as she stretched. " changed." Sora pointed out. "Hehe, yup! Comes with the Territory. With this power I get to make myself look however I want. Why do you think she lost that armor as soon as she lost the crown?" She pointed at her unconscious sibling still resting soundly in Links arms. "Speaking of which, do what you want with her, you can dump her in the closest trash can outside for all I care." She said as she turned and began walking towards her chair. "What? Thats kind of mean. This is your sister after all." Sora tried to reason. "Yeah but umm...I still don't care." She smiled as she sat in the throne, barely focusing on the conversation. She finally looked up from the seat to find glares from Sora and Link staring in her direction. She then turned her attention towards the silver hair dangling from the head of the girl in Links arms. "Ugh, just get her out of my face, I'm already sick of that goody two shoes attitude and she isn't even awake yet." She cringed at the thought. "'Goody two shoes'? I thought she was a terrible person for-" Sora started. "Oohhh yeeaaah, I lied about that. She actually cared for all those things outside a LOT. She'd never hurt them on purpose or because she wanted to." She laughed. "Then...why did you lie to us?" Sora asked, slight hurt showing in his tone. "How else would I get you guys to do this for me? So, on that note, I thank you both. And as promised-" She raised a finger. Suddenly, Link and Sora became surrounded by large, transparent bubbles that lifted them off the ground. "-I'll send you back home! And you can take her with you" She said as she snapped her fingers. "W-WAI-" Sora yelled, but it was already to late. The bubbles had quickly shrunken and disappeared out of sight.

"Whoops, that wasn't their home. Heheh, oh well, doesn't matter...

Ive got work to do."


These chapters seem to be getting smaller and smaller, but don't worry, that will change soon enough

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