Chapter 12 - Desert

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The blaring sun smacked violently against her pale face, causing her to awaken, her purple lookers opening widely. She sat up slowly, and scanned her surroundings. She spotted nothing but desert for miles, until she caught a glimpse of the spiky brown mess of hair lying face down next to her. She recognized him instantly as her previous opponent. She searched for the other one, and found the blonde lying face up exactly the same, passed out.

"Hey, wake up." She leaned over and began shaking the one closest to her. He instantly pushed himself from the dirt, and brushed his face off.  His face turned up, and he instantly locked eyes with her.

"Oh hey, you're..." His face dropped, realizing the situation.

"Don't worry, Im not angry or anything." She giggled, easing whatever tension was present.

"I wouldnt blame you if you were. We kinda messed up..." Sora rubbed the back of his head, dissapointed in himself.

"It was my sister...wasnt it?"

Sora simply nodded, as if he were embarassed to answer.

"Its not the first time she's attempted getting the crown...but..." She paused suddenly. "...Its the first time she's succeded." She sulked. The conversation came to a hault, and the only sound audible was that of the wind blowing the dust around them gently. "Well, Id at least like to know the name of the fighters who were able to best me in battle for the first time." She brushed her silver bangs out of her face.

"Well, Im Sora." He pointed to himself with confidence. "The guy over there is..." He suddenly stopped himself. "Actually, Im not sure what his name is. He's not much of a talker so he never told me himself." He placed a hand on his chin, attempting to recall if introductions of any kind happened between the two.

"Are you telling two just met?!" She said, surprise in her voice.

"Well, yeah. We fought each other first but Silvia convinced us to work together to...uhh...get the crown."

"The way you two fought seemed so natural, like you've been doing it forever. I never would've guessed!" She clapped her hands together in glee.

"You...seem exited about that." Sora tilted his head in slight confusion.

"Well yes! That was hands down the best battle I've ever had the pleasure of participating in!" She applauded.

"I guess that explains why I didnt feel any intention for you to kill us." The brown haired boy placed himself in a more comfortable sitting position. "Well, it was a fun battle for me" He stopped and glanced at her with a focused face.

"Oh! Im sorry. My name is Alice." She introduced herself as she held out her hand.

"Glad to meet you the right way Alice!" He shook her hand.


The two haulted shaking and ceased movement completely at the sound of the sudden shriek from the blond boy. He glanced around, and locked onto the two sitting in front of him.

"Well, that was something." Sora laughed. "Glad to see you alive and awake pal!" He stood up and walked over towards him alongside Alice. Suddenly, the pointy eared male shot to his feet, and backed away, not letting an eye off her.

"I guess he recognized me." Alice giggled. The boy titled his head, slightly dumbfounded by the girls reaction. "It's ok, were not enemies. In fact I'd very much like to be friends!"

"And the best start to that would be names, whats yours?" Sora rubbed the back of his head. He took his hand and introduced himself. "Ooooohhh, thats why she called you 'Linkie'." Sora pounded his fist into his hand.

"Ugh, I hate her nicknames..." Alice mumbled to herself.

"So, where are we anyway?" Sora shaded his eyes from the blaring sun as he spun in a circle.

"Im not sure, but Im also positive that standing here isnt safe, we should start moving soon." Alice stated. Link suddenly tapped them on their shoulders, gaining their attention. He was pointing in the direction of a large shadow in the distance, too far to make out.

"Whatever that is, I guess its a good a place to start moving to." Sora put his hands behind head as he started walking, Link following close behind.

"W-wait!" Alice stopped them. "What if its dangerous? We don't know what that is!" She explained in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, whatever it is im sure we can handle it, right 'Linkie'?" Sora smiled and laughed. Link huffed and started walking ahead of them. "Aww come on! I was kidding!" Sora caught up to him.

"Wait up!" Alice chased after the boys.


"So, considering that there is a chance of danger-" Sora turned towards the silver haired girl, now walking backwards. "-how would you defend yourself? Do you still have that sword?"

"Im...actually Im not entirely sure..." She sulked slightly, her head faced towards the sandy ground. "I havent felt much power since we woke up here." She examined the palm of her left hand.

"Well, why not give it a shot? No harm in trying right?" Sora encouraged. She glanced between the two boys, who were giving her looks of motivation.

"O-ok." She stuttered. They all came to a hault. With hesitation, she raised her hand towards the cloudless blue sky. A small light made itself visible, and within it, A thin, but lengthy silver blade appeared. She gripped the black, leather wrapped handle, and brought the sword in for a closer look.

"Woah, its..." Sora began, as he stepped in closer with an astounded gaze. "Actually, Its smaller than when you fought us."

"A lot of my power has been lost since I no longer wear the crown, but thankfully not all of it." She sighed with slight relief.

"Well don't sweat it, if you get into trouble, we'll back you up. Were all in the same predicament, so we may as well help each other out right?" Sora smiled that same goofy smile. Alice turned her attention to Link, who gave an affirming nod.

"You two...Your optimism is unmatched. Thank you." She smirked.

Link motioned his arm for them to follow, as they made their way towards the mysterious large shadow in the distance.


The next update after this one may dissapoint some people (or not idk)

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