Chapter 2- The Twilight Realm

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Link had been traveling for what seemed like hours. The sky was a bright red color, meaning the sun was beginning to set. Link eventually realized he had never eaten anything before he left! He came into terms with it and decided to at least rest a bit before continuing his journey to the Bridge of Eldin. He eventually came across a lone tree sitting in the middle of a hill on the large grassy plain he'd been traveling along. Once stopped there, he noticed something in one of the pockets on Epona's saddle while tying her to the tree. He dug in the pocket and found a Sandwich along with a note! Link pumped his fist in the air with a huge grin on his face. He opened the note and it read: "Link, i know the journey to The Twilight Realm won't be short, and i know your going to need to eventually rest. I had one of the waitresses pack food for you before you left in case you got hungry. Please be safe. -Zelda" Links grin grew larger. He planned to thank Zelda once he had returned. Wasting no more time, Link bites a huge chunk out of the sandwich! Its so good he does a backflip! After finishing, he lays next to the tree and falls asleep almost immediately. "...Save us with that courage of yours 'Mr Hero' hehe..." Link hears the voice of the figure directly in front of him. He then looks around and notices that he is surrounded by nothing but darkness. He looks again at the figure. The figure was wearing a black coat with a hood on its head so he was not able to see a face. There was long silver hair falling on the left side of the figures shoulder. "...Help..." He hears the figure speak again. Its a female voice he was not able to recognize. The figure then lunges at Link. He blocks his face quickly. After a moment he realized that nothing had happened. He removes his arms from his face to realize he is awake once again. He wipes the sweat from his forehead, convincing himself it was only a dream. He stands up and brushes off his tunic. He looks off into the distance, noticing that the Bridge of Eldin is closer than he had interpreted. He unties Epona from the tree, hops on and rides toward the bridge. After a while Link begins to approach the bridge. The bridge was very old, it looked as if it could come crashing down if there was too much force upon it. Link walks inside the large entrance of the bridge and notices the sunrise, the grassy plain and the perfect view of Hyrule Castle. Looking forward he sees the second entrance of the bridge. Blocking the path is a wall of shadow with odd symbols covering it. Link rides Epona toward the wall with caution in every step. Link stops directly in front of the wall, then it began to speak. "Do you wish to enter?" The loud deep voice said. Link nodded with a serious look on his face. Suddenly, a hand made of shadow grabs Link and Epona and pulls them in! Link opens his eyes and becomes aware that he is no longer on the bridge with Epona. While looking around he sees small skeleton like creatures with red eyes walking around, purchasing items from what seemed like shops run by other odd creatures with horns. "Welcome to The Twilight Realm
Mr Hero, hehe hehe!" Link quickly snaps back into reality and looks around, but finds nothing. "Up here big guy" says the familiar voice. Link looks upward and sees a tiny almost toy-like figure floating above him. The figure was grey and black with symbols that covered its arms, legs and ears that closely resembled the symbols on the wall he was pulled through. It had long orange hair that was almost longer than its body. It stared at him with its one red eye, while its other was covered by the odd crown it was wearing. "Well, its been a while hasn't it? Hehe! You should be grateful that the great Princess Midna decided to greet you here in person!" Link sighed, already knowing exactly who it was. "Well that and the fact that im technically the only one who is free to take people in and out of this place besides myself." She said with a grin on her face. "Sorry about the rough landing by the way, i haven't used this gate in so long i forgot how much force i needed to use to pull you through." She said while assisting Link off the ground. Link brushed off his tunic and looked around in search of Epona. "If your looking for that horse, don't worry, its already safe and sound in the palace." Link raised a brow, questioning if he could trust that or not. "You don't have to believe me, but i have no reason to lie to you. Anyway lets go, you'll be staying in the palace as well during your little 'investigation'" Suddenly, Midna's hair began to move. It formed into a large orange hand and grabbed Links tunic from the back. She lifted Link off the ground and begun to fly off. While in the air Link looked around and noticed the the large crevices and huge floating chunks of land, just as he had seen it two years ago. Link became curious and asked Midna how she got the information from Zelda about his arrival. "Those weird mail guys know where the gate is for some reason, so they leave mail right in front of it. I have no clue how they found out about this place." Link grew a confused look on his face, then quickly snapped out of it realizing they were approaching the Palace of Twilight. The palace was sitting upon a very large chunk of land, much like the other two castles that were surrounding it. Midna started to fly towards the castle on the left. Her and Link approached the wall and came to a halt. There was a window that had three small bars, almost like a small cell. Midna stuck her hand out towards the wall. Suddenly, a shadow like portal began to form in front of them, and they float through it. "Welp, here we are" She says while setting Link on the ground. Link glances around the dark room and finds a small bed in one corner of the room, a door leading to a hallway, and a desk with a chair in the other side. The room was cold, and dark, and very dusty. "Wow, this place hasn't been used in decades it seems. Sucks for whoever has to sleep here.... Oh wait, thats gonna be you hehehehe!" Link shoots a deadly glare at Midna. "Calm down, ill send one of those dumb skeleton servants to clean it. In any case, Ive got work to do around here believe it or not, so ill be back later, try not to die while im gone hehehehe!" Midna then turns and flies back through the shadow she created, and it closes behind her. Link stands in the middle of the room, slightly dumbfounded by what he should be doing next. He sets his shield and sword on top of the desk, then sits on the edge of the bed. He begins to stare at the ground, thinking back at the dream he had the night before. He questioned what the dream was about, and who it was he saw in the dream. He then remembered the other letter that was delivered to him the other night. He digs in his back pocket and pulls out the envelope with the black star symbol. He opens it and pulls out the letter. It read: "...Courage....the light...too perfect a mixture...". Link was utterly lost. He figured "courage" must have been referring to him, but he questioned what "the light" meant. He then felt something strange in the envelope. He pulled out the item and it was a small, black shaded ball. He held the ball in the palm of his hand, staring at it, clueless as to what the strange object was. Suddenly, it began to glow. It began to float, right in front of him. It shaped itself into a star. "POOF!" The star shaped object became smoke, causing Link to pass out onto the ground.

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