Chapter 9- Castle Seige

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They fell to their hands and knees halfway up the sky scraping tower of stairs leading to the castle. "Urrk, my legs." Sora huffed, attempting to catch his breath. He and the blonde sat on the set of almost never ending staircase, and their breathing began to go back to normal. "Is there a better way to do this?! I mean, it took us forever just to get halfway!" Sora groaned. Link nodded, and fixed a look of disappointment on his face. "Well, we gotta keep going." Sora sighed. "We can't let her keep doing those kinds of things to innocents, and who knows, it may even get worse. We can't let that happen." Link nodded eagerly in agreement. They stand to their feet, and proceed again, running, towards the castle.

A gloved hand reaches to grab the final step, and the body it belongs too follows soon after, drenched in sweat. The blonde laid himself on the flat ground near the castle, his arms spread out on opposite sides. Sora followed soon after, falling to his knees inches in front of Link. "F...finally..." He said, his irregular breathing causing him to pause in between the word, then fall on his back, causing him to lay, staring at the sky.  They sat, still and quite for what seemed like ages. "Phew! Ok, I think I should be good now, you?" Sora asked as he sat up. Link locked eyes with him, and nodded, determination filling his eyes. "Alright then come on, lets get that crown!" Sora nodded back, a large grin etched on his face. They stand, and begin walking towards the enormous doors of the castle once more. They approached, and stopped directly in front of the towering doors. They look upward, scanning the giant doors from top to bottom, in search of a handle. Not finding one, Link then placed his hand on the left door, and put slight pressure on it. With little to no effort, Link pushed the large door open with ease. "Wow, I thought we'd have to break them down or something but that works! Lets go." Sora said excitedly, following Link inside. They enter, and are greeted with a large, white tiled, wide room with a long, narrow red rug leading to a large staircase at the end of the room. The room was completely white, with nothing but framed paintings covering certain parts of the walls. "Woaah, this place is-"


Sora was cut off by a booming robotic voice. The boys were approached by two large knights in bulky silver armor, that were carrying spears. The two walked, and stopped in sync directly in front of Sora and Link, and patiently awaited a response. "Umm, were here to see the queen?" Sora hesitated. The helmets on the armored figures turned towards one another. "She never said anything about visitors to me. You?"
The knights continued their conversation. Sora and Link quietly shimmied around them, and tip-toed slowly towards the swirling flight of stairs. "H-HALT!!" The large knights quickly drew their spears and aimed it at the intruders. "RUN!" Sora yelled, as he and Link made a dash for the stairs. "BOOM" They quickly seized their running, as they were cut off by six knights dropping in front of them. "W-where did you guys come from?!" Sora hesitated as he and Link backed away from the knights. After a few steps, Link suddenly put his back to Sora's, staring intently at the original knights that had chased them. The knights then formed a circle around them, trapping the two. "Stand down fools, no one gets to see the queen without her permission first." One of the guards boomed. Link and Sora turned their heads towards one another, and nodded. "Well, we were hoping to avoid this but-" Sora suddenly paused. Hestuck his hand out, and the large key once again formed in his hand. Link then drew the sword and shield from his back, and aimed the tip of his blade at the bulky knights in front of him. "Guess were gonna have to do this the hard way." Sora grinned. Him and Link then quickly launched themselves at the armored foes.

"CLANG", the last knight standing fell to the ground. "Whew, that was rough." Sora huffed as he rested the blade of the weapon on his shoulder. Link placed his blade back in his holster and his shield on his back. He then turned to Sora, and motioned his head to start towards the round stairway. "Right, we've got a ways to go huh?" Sora cringed. "Well, we'd better go now then. Silvia said they're only stunned for so long right?" Sora questioned as the large key dispersed from his hand. Link nodded, and they both began running towards the large stairway.

"WHATS UP WITH THIS CASTLE AND STAIRS?!" Sora howled as he and Link slowly pulled themselves up towards the final step of the long, seemingly never-ending stairway. They stood and glanced around the room. Its was exactly the same as the room before, the difference being the large chair at the end wall of the room. "I guess we've finally made it." Sora said as he stretched.
"Yes, you did, now what exactly do you want from me?" A feminine voiced replied. Sora and Link quickly turned their attention to the chair end of the room. Sitting in it was another knight, this one with thinner, shinier armor, and much smaller, wearing a helmet that shadowed the face completely. "I assume your the queen?"
"Yes, and you must be those intruders Ive been hearing so much about in the past hour." She replied casually. "Wait, why are you wearing armor? Shouldn't you be in a dress or something?"  Sora questioned, tilting his head slightly. Link did the same, analyzing the strange figure. "If I were in a dress-" Suddenly, she stood and leaped out of her chair, landing swiftly on the ground a few feet in front of them. She then raised her hand, reaching toward the sky, summoning some strange celestial light. A large silver blade from the light floating downward gently into her hand. The light disappeared as she grabbed the handle, and aimed the tip of the blade at the boys. "-I wouldn't be able to deal with intruders like you." She continued. The stood, motionless, and speechless at the unexpected outcome. "Well, this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought." Sora huffed as he and Link readied their weapons to their new foe.
I feel like my writing is getting iffy, ill try to work on that lol. Anyway do me the usual; vote, comment the ups and downs of this chapter/the whole book, and share with other nerds who enjoy kingdom hearts and loz lmao, take care guys!

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