Chapter 10- One Way Trip

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"W-what did you just say?!" The silver haired boy exclaimed. "The girl who sent me here, she nearly got me killed." Ryuko shivered. "What do you mean?" Kairi asked. "I remember getting there, and her telling me to go fight her sister to get some crown. When I fought her...she nearly killed me. But I guess she decided not too, because I just remember waking up on your island after that." She replied. "Im not sure how strong Sora is, but if that girl told him what she told me, he's in serious danger, he can't handle her by himself." Ryuko stuttered. The room fell completely silent for a long moment. Suddenly, an outbreak of giggling broke the silence. The dark haired girl lifted her head to find Riku and Kairi staring directly at her with smiles etched across their faces. "W-what could've possibly been funny about that?!" Ryuko huffed. "I have a feeling that guy's gonna be just fine on his own." Riku replied. The girls jaw dropped in complete awe at their unexpected response. "Guys im serious! He could be in serious trouble!" She shouted with frustration. "Don't worry, Sora always pulls through. Trust us, He'll be just fine." Kairi giggled. Ryuko's face of frustration turned into that of a confused one.
Riku removed himself from the table he was sitting on and place his hand on her shoulder. "Sora's pulled out of way worse than this. If anyone can deal with it, its him." Riku grinned. "No...not by himself. We at least have to TRY and help him! Is there anyone that may be able to help us get to him?!" Kairi and Riku paused, then stared at Ryuko, lost in thought. "Well, since the kings out, I guess the next best person to go to would be Master Yen Sid." Riku started. "Ok, and how do we get to him?" Ryuko questioned. "His tower is in another world, so..." Kairi began to trail off, turning her head in the opposite direction. "We have to take that ship again...don't we..." Ryuko stated. "Well, if it's the only way, then fine, lets go!" She yelled in confidence. "Oh, come back safe ok?" The queen pleaded. "Don't worry, we will." Riku ensured her as they rushed out the doors of the library.
"I certainly hope so..."

"Ugh, im really starting to hate that ship." Ryuko cringed as she and the others stepped off, rubbing their sore cheeks. "Woah, wait a second, what's going on up there?!" Kairi suddenly stopped and pointed at the sky cutting tower. They all turned their heads in the direction of the smoke coming from the top window. "Oh no, Master Yen Sid!!" Riku suddenly dashed off towards the doors with not a second wasted. "W-Wait Riku!" Kairi yelled as she and Ryuko ran after him. He readied his shoulder, and, at full speed, bashed the doors wide open. Nearly falling over, he caught himself, and continued up the large stairway that winded upwards, not stopping for even a breath. The girls rushed in following behind him. "W-woah, how high up are these stairs?!" Ryuko asked, catching breaths in between words. "Don't worry, they aren't to high up, we used to go up and down them all the time." Kairi giggled. They continued up the stairway until finally, they each reached the final step, each breathing heavily from the run. "Oh no." Riku suddenly gasped, pointing at the slightly creaked open door, smoke slipping out of the crack. "Master Yen Sid?" Riku carefully pushed the door open, one hand waving back and fourth the brush away the smoke. "Ahh, young Master Riku. Welcome back." A tall older male with a beard coughed, fanning the smoke towards the window. "Are you ok?" Kairi stepped in the room with Ryuko. "Ah, and hello Kairi. Yes, do not worry. I simply had to deal with the strange little hooligans that broke in while I was away. I only just got here myself." He said as he pointed towards the two lifeless red horned creatures lying face down flat on the ground. "Why does he talk so slow?" Ryuko whispered. Kairi let out a small giggle. Riku turned towards the girls, and glared between them angrily. "And who might you be young one?" Yen sid leaned forward slightly and squinted his eyes. "M-me? Im Ryuko." She stuttered. "I see, and where are you from?" He spoke again. "I don't remember..." She held her head, attempting to remember best she could. "She actually has amnesia, she was barely able to remember her own name." Riku explained. "Hmm, and how did you all meet?"

"She was lying face down in the water back home, Riku saved her and she's been with us since." Kairi answered. "Ahh, interesting. I think I understand the situation now." He began rubbing his long beard as he walked to his seat. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, could you fill us in?" Riku walked towards him. "You see...

she's not from this dimension"

They all stood in complete awe, attempting to make sense of the old mans strange statement. "You mean another world right?" Riku said, unsure of himself. "I understand its hard to believe, but there are dimensions beyond this one. As a matter of fact, I was able to sense the energy flowing from within her, and I can assure you its unlike anything from this realm." Yen sid looked directly at the dark haired girl before him. "H-how is that possible?" Ryuko questioned nervously. "Hard to believe I know, but there is however a gate connecting all realms, hidden within each dimension. As it turns out I was actually visiting the gate myself. Lately I felt an odd phenomena occurring with the gate, so I went to check. As I feared, there was a small crack. It is possible that she may have been the cause, and the potential reason she has amnesia." He claimed, almost positive this was the correct answer. "So, is there any way to get my memories back?" Ryuko asked hesitantly. "Well, theres no guarantee, but theres a good chance that simply returning through the gate could return your memories." He stated. "Well alright, sounds easy enough right? Can you take us there?" Riku said confidently, a successful grin made its way across each of their faces. "Im sorry master Riku, but it will not be that simple." He stopped the celebration before it could begin. The group suddenly dropped their smiles, and turned back towards the wise wizard. "As I said before, the gate has a crack. Normally something like this should never have been possible, but im now reassured that the gate is weakening. Any more pressure added such as going through the gate may be too much, and it will break all together." He informed with a hint of despair filling his tone. "And what happens when it breaks?" Riku jumped in with concern. "Realms that should never meet will collide in a destructive manner, and the dimensions in which they are contained will become out of balance, and collapse, destroying everything as we know it." He explained. The room fell into a long silence, obvious fear filling the room. "So we just sit here and wait?" Kairi said. "Unfortunately, it seems to be our only option." He said, ree-stating the situation. "B-but what about Sora? That person took him and probably went through that gate!" Riku began, becoming worried. "He was what?!" Yen Sid stood from his chair, panicked by the statement. "How are we going to get to him back if the gates going to be destroyed in the process?!" Kairi began to freak out as well. "The gate has a self-healing process, if left alone for long enough, it should be strong enough to be able to handle a simple one way trip, but the wait would become longer for Ryuko." Yen Sid folded his hands and laid them on the table. "I don't mind, Sora needs to come back home first, thats priority. Besides, I don't mind hanging out with you guys for a little longer." Ryuko giggled. "T-thank you!" Kairi hugged her. "But how are we even going to get Sora? Do you have a way to contact him somehow?" Asked Riku. "Im afraid I do not. My abilities cannot reach the outer realms, and even if they could, I wouldn't know where to locate him. As I said before, we are only able to wait and see what happens." The looks of panic turned into hopelessness as they all came into terms with the situation. "Hey...mind if I ask you something?" Ryuko suddenly walked near the small desk. "What is it young one?"

"Do you know anyone by the name of...Silvia?"

Lol ITS BEEN QUITE SOME TIME HUH?! MISS ME?! Well you have no excuses cuz ive been around the whole time. Anyway here ya go, part one of two promised chapters. Short I know but don't worry, I got the rest planned out so just stick with me. Anywhoo, you know the drill, thanks guys!

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