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My mate.

She was my mate.

Of course she was my mate, I wasn't shocked her being the only other shadowsinger I've ever met. We were a rare breed.

"How are you feeling?" Mor asked me, concern washing over her features.

We were all gathered at the townhouse, Mor, Cass, Rhys, Amren and me. Rhysand thought it best the other knew immediately save them showing up at the house of wind and spook my mate further, though she didn't seem frightened, quite the opposite actually from her sharp remarks.

"I'm fine, just a bit shocked is all." I replied to her after a moment.

The others began discussing it as we sat in the sitting area, though I stayed at the window staring out, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

My mate

My mate

My mate

She had these sharp features that looked like they'd cut to the touch, white hair and her skin olive but...pale as though she hadn't seen daylight in a while. A cold demeanour about her no doubt but her voice had me weak in the knees. A lilting accent housing a sultry smooth tone came from her even as she shouted out in anger. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

"Where has she come from?" Amren asked Rhysand who was deep in thought about what we were to do with the girl.

"Winter court we guess from the ice she used against Azriel-" Cassian started
"No she can't be, her accent isn't from the winter court, it's somewhere else."

"Did they not teach manners there?" Amren scoffed - Rhysand had entered their minds with permission, showing them what she was like with us.

"Perhaps I could speak with her, maybe she'd be inclined to tell me something." Mor suggested.

"No." I finally speak out, silencing the room, "She's my mate I want a say in deciding what we do with her."

"It's your call Azriel." Rhys spoke directly to me. I appreciated that he made it my choice, that he took the fact she was my mate into consideration.

"Well I think if one of us is to stay up there, to keep an eye on her it should be me." I stated. Rhys nodded in response. "I also think we should invite her to dinner within the next week, to meet all of you, I don't you all to resent me if you feel that you have to avoid the house of wind just because she's there."

"No, Az, we'd never blame you!" Mor said in a half hurt tone.

"Thanks Mor" I have a half smile.

"Well I think that dinner is a great idea." Mor chirped up "we can show her that we are a family and that she's welcome here!" She beamed.

"She said she didn't want a mate." I spoke to no one in particular.

"She'll warm to the idea, surely?" Mor suggested.

"About dinner...I don't know if she's going to take kindly to company, she didn't seem like much of a social butterfly if I'm speaking in all honesty." Cassian joked "especially after what she said to Rhys." He began to laugh.

Embarrassment flushed Rhys' features as we all questioned him about what he hadn't told us.

"Okay okay fine." Rhys rolled his eyes after we'd all hounded him for a while and began to show us the vision of her telling him why she wouldn't put herself in his shoes.

We all fell about laughing, my heart warmed as I wondered just how much of that humour she harboured. I wanted to make her laugh, make her smile...once she's settled of course, then she'll accept the mating bond, she's just in a temporary attack mode for the time being.

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