Vanishing act

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We'd arrived at the manor a few hours ago, Ziven immediately putting metal cuffs on me and chaining me in my old bedroom.

I'd sat there, blank faced, waiting.

Waiting for the moment he'd show up, doing Ziven's bidding of course, but it was all for my benefit of escaping, he just didn't know it.

"Glad we found you after your silly little runaway love" Ziven had said whilst dragging me back. "You don't know how relieved I am we called the soldiers off after your little adventure! I hope you had fun because that'll be the last time you leave the winter court." He'd cooed at me as though I was no more than a little pet. If only he knew the drastic underestimation he'd made...

I heard a light knock at the door as Cyrus came in, with a large tray of food. He wouldn't look at me, obviously still angry about what had happened half a year ago. Ridiculous.

He remained silent, lingering for a moment after he put the food down. "It didn't have to be this way you know Ziláa." I scoffed "whatever."

He gave a sharp nod and asked "anything else you need." "Yes."

He waited, obviously expecting me to ask for my freedom. "2 more trays of food please." This took him by surprise because he opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He just nodded with a confused look on his face, closed his mouth and left to get the food.


I'm in no way a trained warrior, nor very physically strong but one thing I do have is cunning. I thought that to myself after I'd devoured some food, regained my strength and became shadow, causing the heavy metal cuffs to drop to the floor. Ziven was a complete moron for underestimating me, he'd regret it forever once I was in the night court and safe from him forever.

The extra food Cyrus had given me would last me a week, the length of the journey up to the night court. I had made a swift exit and would already be two courts away by the time they notice I'm gone. I'd purposefully winnowed south to falsely lead them back to autumn court, careful not to get too close out of fear of running right back into Eris and his brothers. And then made my way up through the shadows north. The shadows were a risk I was now definitely willing to take even if it alerted other high lords' attention.

I knew my escape would enrage Ziven and I fear there would be no escape if he got a hold of me again. He'd underestimated me once and wasn't likely to repeat that mistake. The thought of him had me rotting from the inside out. My tears turning to rage.


It took me 4 days travel to reach the night court border. I didn't know the night court well as I have only been here a few times some centuries ago. I remember where the hewn city was, so I was sure to avoid that at all costs. The hewn city is not somewhere you want to be alone as a girl, powerful or not.

I reminded myself of what the Suriel had said, up past the mountains - another city. I had a hard time believing that but began climbing the rocky terrain and hills passing over the left flank of the territory anyway.

The night court territory truly was something to be marvelled upon, babbling brooks and mountain goats littering the wild. Valleys stuffed with the tallest pine trees infecting the area with a woody scent.

The smell of the mountains themselves were wonderful, a fresh smell like freedom. I began to unleash a slither of hope for this apparent other city, it would be a fresh start. And anywhere free of Ziven had to be a nice place.


As I made my way over the peak of the 5th mountain I'd climbed and exhaustion was beginning to hit me like a sack of bricks I saw it. An enormous bubble of shadow, bigger than anything I'd seen in my life.


The shadow showing me that wards were protecting whatever was inside...could this be the city the Suriel was talking about? What if I went inside and it was an Illyrian camp? No. They train in the open, strong enough to defend themselves from any threat.

Surely this had to be it? I made my way down the mountain, praying it was a city so that I could reach a quiet Inn and settle for the night. It was already nightfall and my energy was spent, I hadn't slept since I'd entered the night court territory out of fear that my trick on Ziven hadn't worked as well as I thought it would.

As I made my way to stop in front of the huge bubble of shadow I looked up at the sheer mass of it, the mass of the magic in awe. Whoever had done this had extreme power, and if I was right about this city I wanted to stay well out of their way. I began harnessing my magic ready to work my way through the wards as quickly as possible.


The wards were near impossible to get through. I had used up almost all of my strength and magic in trying to get through them. I'd once thought the summer court wards hard to break through but these wards were like nothing I'd ever been challenged with before. I felt rather uneasy about what awaited me as I used up the last of my power in breaking through the last one and stepped through.

I was nowhere near ready for the sight that beheld me.

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