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The day was finally there one she been looking forward to for so long , the place was fully done furnished and moving was starting to take place . first to go into the vans where her little sisters things as well as the many boxes of her step fathers files knowing there was stuff she needed in those boxes . she let the guys move the cars over to their delight almost tripping each other up to get to the car they desired as she and the girls packed up some of the things in the office. She looked through all the contracts and letters she signed over the years seeing the walton name made her sick , she wasn't one of them maybe before the uncle she did actually love didn't betray her but now it made her sicker than Hughies grilled cheese for some reason it was only when he made it . " you ok" mia smiled sadly. " i need to do something can you well you guys do this while i do something" she said jumping up out off the chair . " i'm coming with you this time" annie hopped up . " i need an excuse to get out of this humour me" she winked heading out the door. " we got this go" mia laughed as kimiko nodded. " i'll get you the good stuff on way back" she smiled heading out the door. Heading out to the car annie was already in the driver seat while she typing on her phone texting franklyn to meet her at the courthouse . the phone ringing instantly . " my dear just because you are pregnant no need to get married" he began to speak making annie burst out laughing . " no i'm changing my last name not through marriage i want to move away from that name" she rolled her eyes at the dramatics . " oh very well i shall have the proper paper work when you get their" he sounded a lot happier as she hung up . " is that something you can see in the future" annie asked suddenly . " changing my last name again i don't know i mean , who's to even say he wants to get married again"she shrugged never really thinking of stuff like that. " do you see yourself marrying my brother" she asked back. " of course i do , i'd probably have to propose to him though" she laughed knowing the woman was probably right.

The guys parked the cars low whistle looking at the old now new building completely decked out with everything was needed. " she even put in a kids room that was before she was pregnant slight foreshadowing " butcher laughed as the got out of the respective car . " i mean she thinks of everything she get it's from me" ben shrugged. " no her short temper yes that brain is all us baby" hughie chuckled. " your kid gonna have some of there genetics" frenchie teased. " yeah don't remind me of that" he grumbled. " so you gonna marry her or parasite staying a bastard child" soldier boy asked easily." fucking hell mate you don't cut corners do you i never thought i'd well even get shot at life again especially with you pricks its nearly came to it's end few times then this wet mop brings me to a big fucking house only find this woman whos change my entire life like some sort of fucked angel , then low and behold that woman is now carrying my child another thing i never fucking expected but marriage that was something i thought i'd go through my life now experiencing again til now but to answer your question for now yeah be a bastards as ya put it but maybe in the future" he nodded . " well that was fucking gay as shit" soldier boy walked off ready to explore the new digs . " we were totally having a moment there" hughie sighed disappointedly . " you do know you hurt her and kimiko will have your balls " frenchie piped up . " i know i ain't messing anything up this time" butcher shook his head. " fuck you really love my little sister huh?" hughie said softly . " really do mate jesus i sound like you but yeah i really love her and the so called parasite" he chuckled. " you guys need to stop calling my future niece or nephew that". " enough we need to get back to the old place get the shit out vans are outside" butcher led them out as they all silently said goodbye to the cars .

She made it back just as the boys pulled in bigger smile on her face then before they left . " whats got you smiling like that it's slightly off putting" ben teased making her shoot him a glare. " i am officially not a walton anymore" she beamed as annie handed over the baked good . " oh food" she smiled walking off completely leaving the men standing there confused as fuck . " i guess we fucking follow after" butcher shook his head. " i think so" hughie look after her . each of them followed after following the crumbs of the pastries on their way like following hansel and gretel's bread crumb trail . only to see her sat on the chair munching away . " wanna explain before you head off again" ben asked. " oh i changed my last name" she shrugged eating a large bite. " she married you both down there" annie teased making all the mens head shoot straight to her. "Well i didn't want our child to be a bastard and we need to be married because it's a sin... ok i can" she broke down laughing . " not funny princess" butcher clutched his chest . " oh it was very funny anyways i'm a campbell not walton " she said throwing over the piece of paper. " shit dad's going to cry at this" hughie smile wild as his voice had a slight tremble. " like you" frenchie laughed. " it's dusty in here" he wiped his eyes handing her the document back . " i mean dad might snap out of the spell he's in" hughie added still smiling widely . " ok i take it back that smile is off putting" soldier boy looked at the man grimace on his face . " well now that's all out in the open we'll start loading up the van" mm rolled his eyes . " i'll help you" mia winked a spark to her eyes that no one wanted to do a deep dive into from how they were looking at each other . " see ya " he winked as they all grimaced. " well that's put me off my food" she put the pastry down back into the bag. " you and butcher are way worse" kimiko signed. "What she say" butcher asked noticing how pink his girls cheeks were. " you and mon cherie are worse which i agree with" frenchie chuckled. " if it helps the new rooms are sound proof" she spoke up hiding herself by packing up . " OH THANK GOD" was all she heard from behind her not willing to look around or she would probably die from mortification " don't mind em love" butcher chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck making her bite lips the fucker knew what he was doing.

The whole pregnancy her sex drive was amped up so while she was packing up their shared room well all she could think of was something else like the feeling of his lips on her neck had her wanting so much more to the point she was getting slightly snappy with anyone that came near her including butcher who knew exactly what he was doing although the teasing probably would end in his own demise if he kept it up but he'd give her what she wanted hell he felt it himself constantly readjusting himself but he wasn't stopping because the end result usually was the best part . so they kept packing almost finished kimiko and frenchie had all the weapons in the house in the back of their vans knowing if they were stopped well the small armoury would definitely send them down . she and butcher had the boxes of all there things fully loaded up it was only a few more boxes left then she would open the house to the public let them take whatever was left they could burn and wreck it for all she cared. Once she was out of the place it was open to the public for a week then she bringing the whole thing to the ground one way or another. The drive to the new place quiet almost thick with all kinds of tension . excited to be somewhere else but alway wanting to be there quick test out the limits of the sound proofing . " your quiet love" god she wanted to punch his stupid rugged handsome face . " just thinking of ways to get myself off" she shrugged eyes locked out the window wanting to push his buttons back maybe give him a taste of his own medicine. And if she gave in and looked in his direction she would see how his hands held the steering wheel tighter or how tips of his knuckles were bone white . " aye and how the suggestions going for you" she couldn't help smile at the strain gravel of his voice and all most " bingo gotcha" moment. " hmm well i mean can go standard fingers or use my toys i mean they do a great job and hit the spot oh so right" she almost purred as a groan slipped his lips . " i bet i know what could do a better job though" he said hand grazing her thigh but she held strong to her own amazement and slightly proud of herself. " i think i know what you mean that toy , the gold handle ohh good job babe" she squeezed his hand on her thigh ignoring how his eyes bore into her. " oh look the new place" she sang as they pulled into the new drive way nodding as the others where driving out getting the last of the things. " i'll give you the grand tour" she smirked eyes flickering to the strain that was in his pants . " after we take the things out of the van that is" she winked as they pulled to a stop .

Once they walked in seeing the new modern layout instantly one side was the living room large sofa's placed around so they could relax easily after a harsh and strenuous mission chasing after supes or taking down corrupt business . " wow this is something sweetheart" he whistled . " yeah this here" she smirk hitting the buttons and the large cabinet opening to show a fully functioning bar that held behind its door. " oh that's fucking beautiful" he clapped his hands . " thought you'd like it" she rolled her eyes closing it up. " down this side is the kitchen , gym and pool , playroom ...for kids mind out of the gutter for now and then other side is a large open office space for working to find corrupt bastards , indoor shooting range and workshop with a room for interrogation better than the one i blew someones head of in" she clapped her hands leading him towards the stairs . " bedrooms down either side and leading out to a big smoking area with shelter incase it rains but its a stunning view" she smirked pointing out at the glass doors to already see ben sitting holding the joint in his hand happily . our room is down this way it's connected to another one i left bare for a nursery" she said happily opening the door to show the large room definitely bigger than their last one . " fuck think this bigger than the places i've live in" he whistled looking around . " its got a great walk in closet too"she giggled opening the door to show him the now bare closet space . " also if you open that door it leads to the ensuite" she pointed to the door. " there's a large laundry room down in the basement as well as a games room" she smiled brightly proud of how her vision came to life . " fucking hell this is good space" he chuckle seeing she thought of everything . " lets go to my favourite room" she cooed pulling his hand and leading him back down the stair and down the hall only to find them selves in the new kitchen making him rolls his eyes. " what the ell is this" he pointed at the machine completely perplexed. " coffee machine" she shrugged easily opening the fridge as she pulled out the food knowing the other would be hungry when they got back . " now sit pretty and maybe you can watch me play with my toys later" she whispered into his ear before getting started on the meal and him wondering how the teasing of her during the day turned to him nearly dying there and then. 

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