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      A child was born in the Kingdom of the rock, a small blonde screaming girl covered in blood and other substances that pertained to her birth. Her mother was gasping for air, breathing heavily as if it was the first time she had ever used her lungs. She laid her legs down on the bed, the blanket falling over them and quickly soaking up the red liquid that coated her limbs. An elderly woman in gray held the freshly born babe, the woman looked down at the child with a fondness, the look of an experienced mother. The woman's gray hair was neatly tied behind her head, her face full of years of smiles and frowns, but she was beautiful. The elderly lady wrapped the small child in a blanket of brown, so gentle as if the slightest movement might cut the baby into a million pieces. The old woman then turned to the exhausted mother, who's eyes held a blankness and her mind swam with overwhelming regret, before the  baby had a chance to look upon her own mothers face, the mother turned her head away.
"I will not raise a Hill..."
        The mother said, disdain laced in her tone. Her beautiful young face distorted with the changes of motherhood, stringy hair stuck to her sweaty forehead and the bags under her eyes aged her ten years. The handmaid looked down at the child, her eyes held a look of pity. She felt remorseful, that such a beautiful baby girl would be condemned to the life of every other nobleman's bastard. That she would grow up to be a butcher's wife, or more likely, a whore. The old woman scoffed at the thought, before placing the unfortunate child in a small bassinet. The elderly lady was pale in comparison to the other woman in the Kingdom of the Rock, and her cheeks were dusted rosy as if she had been out in the snow. The baby looked up to the maid with her big blue innocent eyes, she couldn't just leave her here. For many years the elderly midwife sat beside women, delivered their bastards and watched those same children grow up to live lives of anguish because their parents could not take responsibility.
          The midwife furrowed her brows in her frustration, her thin lips forming a frown as she lost herself in her compilation. She felt overly conflicted, a feeling she had not experienced since she was a young girl who knew very little. Now she was no longer old and she knew quite a lot, but she could not help but turn to the woman and ask,
"My brother...in the north, his wife passed and left him no children, if you have no intention of raising the child-"
"Do what you want with the creature"
         The woman cut off the midwife's speech, waving her hand in dismissal. The elderly woman pressed her lips together, looking at the back of the mothers head in disappointment. But her gaze softened as she looked down at the now smiling girl's face. She had sent many children off to unhappy unfulfilling homes but this time, she hoped, would be different. Perhaps this child would be her calling, her need to do right would pay off with the success of this young girl who didn't even know her own name.
        With a grunt, she hoisted the child's bassinet made of straw into her arms, debating on whether or not her aged body was still fit for this kind of heavy lifting. She chuckled to herself as she exited the poorly made home and down the street passing many equally poor houses.The old maid looked down into the bassinet, a soft smile on her face as she reached a hand to the now quiet baby, the freshly born girl gripped tightly onto the woman's finger as if it was the only thing holding her to the earth.
"Well hello there honey...i'm your Aunt Jess"
           The baby giggled happily, a gummy smile stretching her new face. Jess continued walking along the road, eventually reaching a wood and cobblestone structure that she would call her home. Later that evening she wrote a letter to her dearest brother,
Dear, Rodrick
I know it has been quite sometime since we last spoke, and i do
appreciate your understanding of my relocation here to Kingdom Rock. My heart does yearn to be in Winterfell again, I do so miss it there. But I am not writing this letter to reminisce, a child was born on this day, a girl. Her mother did not survive, I have taken it upon myself to ensure she gets a good life, but i do not believe that life will come here. I am aware that your last wife was unable to give you a child and for that i am sorry, but i might have the answer to your prayer. I will keep her for as long as i can but if you do not have any interest i don't believe i can sustain her forever. I worry about you little brother, and who will take care of you when you are too old to fight alongside Lord Stark. Please give it some thought.

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