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        Needless to say Ser Rodrik wasn't pleased when he realized his daughter was tagging along, neither him nor Lord Eddard had even noticed she was there until they heard Bran snickering behind them and by then they were almost a mile from the gate. She had hidden under his cloak at first, with her arms wrapped around Bran's waist to keep from flying off, then they abandoned their attempt at hiding her, deciding that the scolding later would be more worth it then the ache she was getting in her back from leaning over for so long.
"This is no place for a lady"
           Said her father as she now rode behind him, he had her switch horses the second he caught a glimpse of her on the back of Bran's. The boy was a great rider, sure, but anything could happen and Ser Rodrik did not trust a child to know what to do in such a situation.
"Then it's a good thing i'm not a Lady"
            Was all she said in retort as she leaned on her fathers back, looking across to Bran who rode next to his brother Robb.
             When they finally reached the block Honey felt slightly uneasy, her father helped her off his horse and she quickly took her spot beside Bran. Her eyes landed on a man, he was scrawny, his skin was dirty and his hair looked as if it hadn't seen water in weeks. His eyes were trained to the block as he approached it, his hands tied behind his back as he muttered,
"White Walkers. I saw the White Walkers. White Walkers. The White Walkers, I saw them."
         Honey felt her breathing stop at the look on the man's face, the way he stood and the shaking of his voice. She felt as if she could feel his terror, like his being was one of her own and she had seen what he'd seen, even if the image didn't reach her eyes.
         His fear was clear on his face as he turned to face the Lord of Winterfell,
"I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."
        The blonde girl's hand found Bran's arm, as she watched his father nodded solemnly, the knight behind the shaking man pushed him to his knees and the man laid forward his chest against the tree stump that served as the block. The girl's grip tightened on the boy's arm as she began to regret being so joyous on the ride over. The ginger man, held out a sword that looked three sizes too big to be carried around on a regular basis. Lord Eddard removed the sword from its sheath, placing the pointy end gently into the grass, bowing his head as he rested his hands over top of the hilt. The shaking man looked to the sky muttering prayers under his breath,
"Forgive me, Lord"
          The wind blew strong in the north, Honey's skirts stuck to the back of her legs, her head buried itself into the furs on Bran's shoulder. The boy turned his head to look at the girl who leaned into him as his father began to speak,
"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of his name …"
         Jon leaned beside Bran's ear, his head facing forward as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
"Don't look away"
        Bran's head turned slightly to look at Jon, his brows furrowed as he turned back to watch his father, his hand finding its way into another's interlocking their small hands.
"King of the Andals and the First Men …"
"Father will know if you do."
      Jon spoke again, squeezing the boy's shoulder lightly before pulling away to stand straight. The wind that Jon had been blocking hit Bran's back sending an empty discomfort up his spin.
"Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die."
        The girl's blue eyes peaked up from Bran's shoulder, the corner of her vision catching the view of the man she had grown to love as an uncle, swiftly lifted the sword from the ground and removed the man's head from his shoulders. Bran's grip on her hand tightened, although you could not see any change in the boy's expression, The girl lifted her head watching as the head rolled a few feet from its body. She felt the contents of her stomach surface to her throat, but she choked it down looking at her father who had been watching her for quite some time, her expression did not change from its look of distaste with a foul taste in her mouth.
         Jon looked down at his half-brother, who's eyes were still trained on the man's body as a few men hoisted him up to carry him away.
"You did well… both of you"
         The girl looked up at Jon, tears in the corners of her no longer innocent eyes, Bran did not look, feeling that if he did the redness on his face would give away his own need to cry. The head bounced off of a thick root and rolled along the ground, coming to a stop at Theon's feet, he always found everything so amusing. He laughed and put his boot on the head, and kicked it away.
        Honey let go of Bran's hand quickly rushing over to scold the ginger for his blatant disrespect. She approached the man with hands on her hips, her red eyes glaring up at him, he looked down at her with his eyebrows raised.
"You shouldn't laugh!" she scolded
"Why not?" he retorted walking towards his horse with the girl following at his heel.
"A man was just sentenced to death! You should not laugh at his shame."
"He broke the law, besides he's dead, he doesn't care what we say about him now."

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