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        It wasn't long before the king's party was pouring through the gates of Winterfell, one hundred strong at least. Honey found her feet on top of barrels, spotting a dozen golden banners whipping in the wind, embroidered with the crowned stag of House Baratheon. Her hand clung to a post on the horse stables to keep herself from wobbling on her makeshift wooden platforms.
         Ned Stark stood, as stoic as ever, at the far end of the yard with his family beside him. Catelyn, Robb and Jon were on his immediate right and left followed by Bran, Sansa, and the youngest, Rickon who clung to his mothers side.
       A man with blonde hair rode into the courtyard, dressed in king's guard robes. He caught Honey's eyes almost immediately, he was tall, but not rivaling the Lord of Winterfell. He had blue eyes very similar to the girl's own, he had this look on his face, this smugness to him that was admirable but at the same time a bit...annoying.
Behind the Knight rode in another man, a smaller man. He looked around, studying the castle and its people, his eyes landed on a blonde girl standing on a barrel. The girl looked at the little man, she had heard of such a being before but never seen one in person. He chuckled a bit at her curiosity, watching as she nearly fell off her perch trying to follow after him.

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