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         Winterfell was bustling with preparation for the King and his family's arrival. The Lady of the castle made small comments to the servants as she walked throughout the great hall, which was filling quickly with decorations.
Catelyn turned to Maester Luwin, "We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all night."
"I am told he drinks all night," Luwin responded.
"How much could he possibly drink? A man of his…stature"
"We've brought up eighth barrels of ale from the cellar. Perhaps we'll find out."
"In any case, candles,"
       Catelyn said, and Maester Luwin bowed his head before leaving the ladies' presents. The Lady of Winterfell turned around to see a blonde girl rushing into the room with a basket of clean tablecloths, a lion kid buried among them.
"Oh! Honey dear," Catelyn addressed the young girl.
"You can place those over on the head table, and please, remove your beast; his gets hair everywhere."
"Yes Lady Catelyn" Honey responded, rushing over to the table and setting the basket upon it. She reached her arms into the basket and removed the cub taking it in her hands, the cat stretched down to the floor as she held him around his belly, under its head and arms.
       The Lady placed her hands on the girl's shoulders as she turned to run out of the room to help with other preparations. Honey looked up at the ginger woman who smiled down at her, Catelyn pushed some of the girl's thick blonde hair from her face.
   "Don't you think you might have an easier time had you left him in your chambers?" She asked and Honey just looked down at the floor with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.
"He doesn't like to be cooped up"
       Catelyn chuckled, "Well, I'm relieving you of your duties for the day."
        Honey beamed up at the woman and rushed past her, but Catelyn caught the girl's shoulder causing her to whip back around.
"Find Bran for me, make sure he isn't getting into any trouble before the king arrives"
          The blonde girl smiled and nodded before rushing out of the room, the woman watched the girl with a fond expression. She was sweet, fiery and passionate, but sweet. When Cassel had told her about the girl and her name, She was apprehensive of another bastard roaming the halls for Winterfell, but she took one look into that girl's blue eyes and felt no more distaste for her.

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