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         Bran hoisted himself onto a horse, a gorgeous stallion with pitch black hair, the wools and furs on his back sticking out in contrast. Bran himself aborned a new cloak, the animal skins on the shoulders adding extra warmth to brave the harsh weather that was always present in the north. Honey touched the horse's face, petting it gently as she adjusted the harness around its face, she stood on her toes and if the mighty beast wasnt leaning down she would be just too short to slide the leather over its ears. Bran looked down watching as the girl stretched out her hand to offer him the reins, he took them in his gloves pressing his lips together as the horse shook and stepped forward slightly.
"You should come with us."
          He said pulling the reins back to keep the horse from walking away from the girl. Honey smiled at the offer, wanting nothing more than to follow him through the gates.
"My father would never let me"
"And when have you ever listened to anything anyone has told you not to do?"
          The two laughed, Honey grabbing hold of the sides of the saddle.
"What do you think you're doing?"
           Said the shaggy haired man as he approached the girl who stood beside his half-brother's horse. Bran looked to his brother,
"I asked her to come with us"
"You know father won't agree"
            Jon replied crossing his arms with a smirk on his face, Honey turned to him sticking out her tongue in defiance. The boy who sat comfortably atop the stead reached an arm down to help the girl, she cursed when her feet hit the ground again, reluctantly she turned to the man who was observing her struggle a few feet away.
"Help me."
           She stated and Jon laughed moving over to her, kneeling on the ground and propping up one of his legs for her to stand on.
"I believe it's customary to say 'please'"
          The girl scoffed at him digging her heel into his thigh as she stepped up, Bran grabbing her arm to pull her onto the horse. When she rested comfortably behind the young Stark boy she turned to Jon a glare in her eyes, anger that he knew she didn't really mean overtook her features.
"I never say please."
          Honey said with a smirk, now looking down at the man who struggled to get back up from the dirt rubbing the spot on his leg that would surely be bruised by the next day.

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