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         From the stronghold's gates, Bran could see the king's road as it wended its way to the horizon. He squinted his eyes and as he looked past the walls of Winterfell he was able to make out tiny specks of red and gold. Very slowly the colors grew larger, the king's party was approaching.
    Called a girl in a scolding tone as she looked up at the boy, standing beside a direwolf pup that whimpered and whined for its owner. Her own pet pushed himself out of her hold and pounced on top of the pup, nipping at its ear as they ran in circles around each other. The boy looked down, a smile on his lips as he recognized his dear friend. Bran climbed down the side of the stronghold's tower, his hands and feet finding purchase on its jutting stones with a monkey's unthinking agility. He'd always been so good at climbing, it came natural to him unlike his companion who was far too afraid of heights to attempt the same feats.      
     Bran smiled as he landed on the ground in record time, turning to face the blonde girl who stood with her arms crossed.
"Honey-" Bran said but his speech was cut short.
"Your mother sent me after you."
"Please don't tell."
"I won't." Honey promised a playfully stern expression still resting on her face,
"You got bored, and decided to climb the castle walls, even though Lady Catelyn has forbade it a million times. If I told her you'd be grounded until next summer"
        Honey laughed and Bran chuckled alongside her, before they both turned to walk back into the courtyard. The blonde girl placed a hand on Bran's arm, stopping for a moment.
"But she is right, it worries me that you are not more cautious of such things!" Honey complained with furrowed brows.
"Alright, mom." Bran teased, giving her a playfully annoyed look.
"Bran-" the girl scolded, relaxing her brow as she looked up at him.
"Alright, Alright" Bran looked down then looked back up at the girl, "I promise, no more climbing"
        Honey crossed her arms in satisfaction, turning away from Bran for a moment. The boy then cried out in pain and stumbled over slightly, grabbing a hold of his foot, "ow!"
"You look at your feet when you lie."
        Bran huffed in frustration, in all honesty he didn't even notice; but she did, she always did. Honey chuckled, turning her heel and running off into the courtyard. Bran stood back on his feet and moved quickly to chase after the girl, a direwolf and Lion cub hot on his tail.

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