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          Honey rested her head on her father's back, her face finally resting into a neutral expression as her hands wrapped around the man in front of her.
"I am just a girl, and there are a lot of things I don't understand...but I'd like to understand, why don't I understand?"
             She asked her father in a low voice, ashamed of her lack of knowledge and experience. Ser Rodrik turned to his daughter, brushing the blonde hair from her face, holding her tiny face in his calloused hand.
"My sweet girl, you are so strong, the heart of a lion...you will understand, one day"
           The girl groaned crossing her arms in frustration, groaning at her father's response,
"But I don't want to understand one day, I want to understand now!"
          Rodrik chuckled, kicking his legs lightly into the Horses side to get him moving.
"You keep that fire my dear girl"
          The ride back felt shorter than the ride there, and with every foot that came between the girl and the bloody stump a little bit more tension left her small body. However, just as she was sure she was finally comfortable again, they approached the bridge where a stag lay ripped apart. This sight did not bring as much sorrow to the girl's heart, she had helped skin plenty of deer for dinner before but she did feel sorrow at the whimpering that came from not so far away.

A Lion In The Wolves Den ||GOT x OCs||Where stories live. Discover now