Swimming in The Sky

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She looked in the sky and saw fish flying.

They wiggled their way along the bright blue.

She wondered how they had gotten up there.

Then she witnessed a man doing backstrokes.

The sky splashed like water against his hands.

Bits of bright blue had coated his bare chest.

The sky had the consistency of paint.

Most of his body was cerulean. 

She asked him how he had ended up there.

He replied that his heart told him he could.

She insists such things are unnatural.

He said, "The heart is master of nature."

She allowed herself to watch for awhile.

Turtles and sea lions joined in the swim.

She saw the blue drip from his ears and chest.

Each drop fell upwards back into the sky.

She dropped her purse and pulled her shoes away.

She tossed her expensive shirt and skirt down.

"How do I get up there?" She asked of him.

He stood up in the sky and walked on air.

He walked to her, standing horizontal.

She blushed to see his muscled form in blue.

He extended his hand and said he'd help.

She grabbed hold and he pulled her in with him.

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